~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Saturday, November 27

2 hours & a half bottle of wine

God why do I have to come home! Not quite Charlie Brown, but a good time none the less! Damn many flavors of cinnamon jelly beans. Damn wine headache. Damn rain. Damn home & responsibilities. Yeah! Friends! Yeah! That same damn wine! Yeah! At least it wasn't snow!

Today I sit and wait for the boys to leave again. The Princess is far less onry without her mentors. Maybe a little Christmas shopping, very little as in I only have a spare (not really) $40. But Hubby says the things YoungOne desires at Wally Weird are cheap. So ...I guess I can knock that out.

6 days til Lobsta & free drinks! Yippeee! I have no clue what I am gunna wear this year.

About 18 days til bonus check....minus snowblower and overpriced coat for Hubby.

Maybe I can forgo the desire to catch up on bills for a maid and a carpet cleaning.

Could someone please turn me into those crazy English ladies? I need them. No, not as bad as the houses on their shows. BUT...and that crazy Nanny show....and to Clean Sweep...and to Trading Spaces....and to ...Pottery Barn so they can take pitty on my house/furnishings/lack of decor and spruce me up once it's all clean.....

See still not missing much in my life even with lack of postings!

3 Saturdays left until Christmas! Oh crap.


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