~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Wednesday, September 5

Yet another new beginning

So over the years I have obviously let my poor lonely blog die. I shouldn't have, I could have been one of the cool kids by now, paid to ramble, sent products to review on my way to internet infamy.... Well I did and so I am still just me. This site hopefully long forgotten by my friends perhaps I can live honestly in blogland again.

Over the years my house has gotten messier, my wasteline has all but disappeared, my patience is absent and my tolerance is missing.  My children have grown mouthier and more difficult to live with, excluding my oldest, who has gone away to college. Leading me into my last depressing thought, we are broker than broke. SO strapped I know logically I should shut off the cable and cut the internet cause it of course is technically a "luxury". Not really though,  it is also the thing that keeps me from going completely off the deep end and running away or offing the family. (Kidding, mostly.)

I have spent lots of time wasted on reading the blogs of supermoms.  20 kids, spotless homes, homeschool, volunteer at their churches and give away their freetime and still have sex with their husbands. I call bullshit. I have 3 kids, a seriously trashed out home, can't wait for the school day to start so I am home alone. Do I clean during this time? Apparently not, I waste it on the internet, or reading a book. Lunching with friends who mostly think I have my shit together. Mostly going back to bed cause I don't want to deal with any of it.  I love my husband and enjoy sex, I just don't want to do it. I can't explain why.

 I went to the doctor cause I thought I was depressed, she gave me pills. They don't make me feel any better. I quit taking them. I shouldn't have I suppose, but it was yet another expense I could cut that wasn't the internet. There was a week or two at one point where I was on a super med, Wellbutrin. I was feeling great, could get off the couch, was cleaning the house! It was a cure! yeah, until the part where I have a severe talc allergy kicked in.  My body swelled, my lips puffed out and turned purple, I got hives and had to go to the emergency room....ending my relationship with the med that helped me feel alive again.  So i went back to the ones that didn't work and then I just quit them all together.

I have come back to my lovely little blog here, cause I need to figure this out. Maybe even help the one person who googles "what to do when my house, my body and my well being are trashed". I don't have the answer, just know that I too feel the same way. I keep reading how your home is a reflection of your mind. Absofrigginlutely. A complete cluttered damn mess.

It needs to be better, it has to get better. I bought some constuction grade garbage bags today and I want to fill them with the crap that is everywhere. Tell myself to let it go. The kids don't care about it, it probably doesn't fit them or me anymore anyway. It's broken, nobody uses it, let it go.   God, that sounds so damn easy.  One too many self help websites I suppose.

I WILL be back tomorrow, to hold myself accountable, and to hopefully dig my way back out of this mega frump slump.

Tuesday, March 6

So it's been awhile.

I need an outlet again, cause shit is crazy. Bat shit crazy most of the time. My house is upside down and inside out messy. My kids are mouthy brats. I want to run away from home. My only escape is work and that is just suckish on a work basis, not really awful, but who wants to really work. So back to my sweet understanding blog I go. I feel as though I have tortured my closest friends in real life enough and been gone from here long enough that they have all deleted any bookmarks of the Deranged one.... welcome home MrsGivings!

Tuesday, September 12

So, I have this blog and

I never manage to post! Eek. School is back in full swing and I think I am more exhausted then summer vacation. 3 kids, 3 different start & end times, 3 kids....
Is it Christmas vacation yet? ugh, I can't believe I said that. Hubby is in MN for a "school" of sorts for the week. I want a "school" that lets me have a king size bed all to my self. Well , obviously, I'd skip the school part and just stay in bed! Well, the Princess is trying (not so well) to dress herself for school! Calgon anyone?

Thursday, May 25

Is there anywhere...

I wish I had someone who lived somewhere just far away enough to count as "near by"
I wish I had someone who lived someplace fun or at least perhaps peaceful. Maybe on a lake. Yet with air conditioning. Someone/someplace I could just pack up my creatures and head off for no particular reason. I kind of do. There is a place on the river. BUT that throws out the peaceful part. HMMM, Missouri river, 3 kids. NOT a good idea. Or perhaps I am too picky. Something about a spider inhabited trailer is not sounding delightful to me. Hubby however loves it. Fishing & beer, he knows no spiders or child drowning fears. So I sit and wish. and wish. and wish.

Not working. No place to go. No where to hide. And still too much crap to do. Only 1 more "free" day. Then I will be WAY out numbered. Why is there no "free summer things to do in Boring Omaha" in a Google search.

Things I do have planned for the summer:

Older One signed up at Library for some classes he will probably roll his eyes at me for.

Sprinkler Parks, gotta love free.

Leisure Water Parks, for when I can scrape up $10 for watery drownless joy.

Maybe a trip to Lincoln to the Children's Museum, as I like it better than ours. And I think even with gas to drive there, it's cheaper.

I even filled the little kiddy pool outside today. Well mostly cause the puppy likes it, but the kids will eventually realize it's full too.

Wednesday, May 24

Hell It's Almost Been a YEAR!

Let's see if I remember how to babble coherently. School is only in for 2 more days. I am in the process of filling a dumpster full of house crap in order to survive in my home longer.

Hmm. In the last year....

The Princess has gotten glasses.
Hubby is in need of glasses according to the eye doctor today (from a Princess eye poke almost a year ago)
Not sure I can have Hubby in glasses. Could be terribley strange to see. He is very light sensy, no geekey lens changey dimmy things either.
I need to go in for a new exam for my own eyeballs.
Both boys have fine beautiful healthy eyes. "knock on wood"
Older one, needs braces & attitude adjustment
Younger one, needs a muzzle.
Puppy needs a bunny. Ok, but she really wants one.

Let's see how long this will last.

Tuesday, March 15

For all those silly emails I NEVER respond too.

I AM: My kid's mommie
I HAVE: A good life.
I WISH: I could be a neat freak.
I HATE: That I don't always appreciate my good life.
I FEAR: Losing someone I love.
I WONDER: what my life would've been like sometimes.
I REGRET: Not having more time to myself.
I LOVE: My husband and my kids and my dog.
I ALWAYS: Need a nap.
I AM NOT: Having any more babies.
I DANCE: Really bad
I SING: In the car, also probably badly
I CRY: Alot lately, tv shows, movies, books, driving.


CURRENT HAIR COLOR:brown with too much gray
EYE COLOR: brown with no gray
CHILDREN: duh, you read this? 3
DAY: Friday (when it's just me & my Princess)
MONTH: April (not too hot, not too cold)
SEASON: Spring
ICE CREAM: Strawberry
SONG: Love will keep us together by Captain & Tenille
FLOWER: pink roses
DRINK: cranberry & absolute (soon to be replaced by Big Apple Rum & 7Up)

Monday, March 14

Has anyone seen my HEAD?

I know it used to set upon my shoulders, but it's missing.

After 3 weeks with the lost cell phone, it magically appears under the fridge. Only to be put thru the f'n washing machine today. No, I am not smart enough to have insurance on it or I woulda got a new one when it started having kid drool defects.

I give up. Yet again. On trying to survive the day.

Oh yeah, Princess SuperModel's pictures are too melt your heart. She looks so sweet & innocent. If I ever actually find my brain & my scanner, maybe ya'll can see them.

Off to the funny farm, the nut hut, wacko ward, the looney bin better known as the room where the kids are playing.