~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Wednesday, August 6

I am the Mama.

NO, not the dumb dinosaur "sitcom" from way back! Tonight while celebrating with the way drunk Frog, I found myself showing baby pictures. Granted the intended victims last saw/met me while I was nearly 9 months preggy. But still whipping pictures out of the wallet unsolicited? Call me Kathy Lee, I didn't really have any chat worthy conversations not referring to my small beloveds either. Lame o' me in my minivan.

It did however have it's first non-Momzilla guests this evening though. They were nice and said it wasn't bad. Which, I have said, it's not, but it is a minivan. We all go thru life swearing we will never own one. Now, here I am, precisely 90 days from being 30 (thanks Frog for having such a swell date of birth!) I have ever thing I dreamed of having, with the exception of there being a few "extra" kids, I don't own my house and I still don't know what I want to be when I am a grown up. And here is "grown-up" looming!?

I got a nifty bracelet and toe ring tonight too! I love them. Lisa does a bang up job.

I love Dove chocolate. They are chocolate promises. They taste sooooo yummy and have cute little notes on the inside of the wrappers. Though chocolate & Coors Light don't usually mix, but I was starving when I got home.

Well my hair reeks of smoke from the interesting Homy Inn and I still haven't watched All My Children from this afternoon. So quick shower and my vcr.

New Segment: Married Life Rating for the day is: Satisfied! Always glad to no longer have to deal with the woes of dating and sadness that can occur in singlehood.


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