~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Wednesday, December 1

I am not a Hugger

You know some people are huggy. Some are not. Hubby's family for whatever reason likes to hug (perhaps to cover the fact that they are not loving people to start with.) Don't get me wrong, I hug my Hubby and I hug my kids. I hug those I haven't seen in a long time. But other hugging seems forced. The hug for comfort to those who are sad or grieving. The hug of congratulations. I don't know. Call me weird. My kids give hugs & kisses to grandparents and those others when told to say good bye. But I don't know, for me, it's just not there. And then when you "forceabley" hug another non hugger cause you don't know what else to do, then it is even more uncomfortable.

I think I am an avoider. Well, I know it. I prefer to laugh and joke. Not bring anything up to make a situation miserable.

Where am I going with this? Well today, I am a little off.

I ran into someone at a local store. A former friend of a friend kinda thing. A friend I hadn't talked to in awhile. You know how it can be, get married, life changes. Hers, not mine. I just keep throwing new kids in to keep it lively...(ok, chaotic) Anyway, the ff tells me the story of why her and the mutual friend aren't friends anymore. Which I already knew. Moral of that, if you have to think about telling someone something you've "known" for 2 weeks, then maybe you should just not tell them. I don't even know if the thing was true or not, but still. They had been friends for 10 years or so. A long time to throw it away. I digress. Anyway, I call the friend cause I had been meaning to anyway. and like a dumbass, I tell her of this conversation, figuring no big deal since I knew of it anyway. Wrong, friend was terribly upset the ff was still telling this story. So, I felt bad for even telling her....

Then there's my darling Froggy friend....have a beer and love your puppy (since it's too cold to float your boats) in honor of Gramps. I am not good in those situations. But I guess chips & cheese and an onry little Princess is a good thing. At least a slight distraction from all the pending hugging.

Other than that, another day with nothing accomplished. Still a house full of disaster. Still nothing to wear to the Holiday Lobsta and now, must locate something appropriate for mourning a loss with a friend. I own no Husker wear so that's out. Must go work on my Keystone Light bouquet arrangement. Just kidding.


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