~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Tuesday, January 11

Ouch, my hair hurts

Hurts to look at. Hurts to be. Hurts to comb. Hurts when I let it out of it's out of date hair clippie. Hurts cause it's so F'N gray. Hurts from static shock.

On with the boredom! Would it be easier for one to want to watch my KIDS or my DOG? I thought I had my Des Moines thing all planned. THEN I changed it thinking that it'd just be easier to drop the kids off in Grizweird and then pick them up on the way back the next day....UM, hey dumbass, you have a DOG. That is why you wanted someone to watch your kids in THEIR home (not to mention it has all the stuff to make them happy enough.) So...The Dog. Oh, and I blew another secretly planned day off for Hubby. He had planned to take that Friday off so we could drive up there in the daylight. UM? Hello, kids=school, someone willing to watch them=has a day job. and did I mention, THE DOG. SO. Must devise new plan. Thinking SIL can just come over after work and hang out. Will have super cousin come for the Saturday shift. Unless she chooses option Z, just dogsitting and the kids suffer, I mean have a delightful (stinky, smokey=lots of laundry/bathing to destink them) time with the InLaws....

What's a crazy woman to do. Trying to sneak off for some quiet, see a friend....soak in a jacuzzi tub, if I can manage to do that right....


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