Time for change
I also came upon the knowledge (enlightenment?) that having New Year's Day as a wedding anniversary has many blessings. Yes, we can never claim to have "forgotten" it. But I also decided it is like starting each year of our marriage with a clean slate so to speak. Bad things or arguements (though far & few between knock on wood) are left in the past year. Yeah, wipe up with the Kleenex and move on. I am not sure where this thought came from or even why. Another Kleenex moment? Hubby says to me, "you know, in the last 2 weeks (cause he has had MEGA time off) I think I love you more than ever." Ahhhhhhhhh. Isn't that sweet. I just looked at him like really? In the time at home I have you running all over town with me and at least 3 or 4 kids last minute shopping, cleaning, screaming, yelling and occasionally crying.
Enough sap. On with the drama. YoungOne has this strange spot on his chest. Looks like eczema to me. Hubby says ringworm. Ever the drama king. ANYWAY...it's the size of a nickel and scaley. I put some lotion on it and refuse to dive into the deductable on day 2 of the year. Later in the evening, after all have gone to bed, I am deChristmasing the home and OlderOne comes downstairs COVERED in HIVES. OMFG. He (they) had been gone the last few days to Griswierd, so I ask, did you eat anything weird, touch anything strange...blah, blah, blah. I go and get the hive pills (yes OlderOne has a script for hive pills, he is subject to chronic hives for NO figureoutable reason since he was only a few months old, made for delightful baby pictures, eyes swollen shut from hives etc...) WHY MUST MY LIFE BE AN EPIDEMIC? So, fingers crossed, the hives will be gone in the am. He has only taken the hive pills maybe 2 other times in the past few years. It was like I FINALLY convinced someone that he has this "problem" get a script and POOF they go away. I am SO not complaining. But WHY are they back? Cause it is day #2 of the new deductable year, just like YoungOne. OH! But wait I did FINALLY get his deadbeat donor's insurance card. That being OlderOne, not YoungOne.
I have given myself til February 1st to get my house/life in order. I gave Hubby power of trashbag after that. Permission to throw whatever is not in its "place" into the garbage.
AND one final note: Dear WeatherFairy, I enjoyed the 60's. Please remove your snizzle, freezing rain and pending snow from my happy bubble life.
OK, a second final note...THE MELTING POT totally rocks, especially in the quiet, kidfree "romantic" zone. It is my new favorite place. So Hubby has Chucks by the pond & I have fondue til the pants & zits pop! HA. When I die, dip me in chocolate and bury me with cheesecake, oreo covered marshmallows and fruit!
At 9:20 PM,
SunGrooveTheory said…
Hi Gosh SUCH a cute picture of your kids~!!
Well, does the little one's spot on his chest look in the shape of a ring? Ringworm is actually ring-shaped, and sometimes gets scaley but just from too much itching. I know, strangely, because a few of my friends and I passed it around once in High School and I had it on my wrist. It just so happens that it's a fungus, kind of like "athletes foot" but not the same fungus. Luckily, tinactin (sp?) seems to cure it just the same. At least, that's how my mom cured mine. Eczema, on the other hand, I know nothing about...
I loved reading your blog, excellent stories! Thanks so much!
At 9:38 PM,
Deranged MrsGivings said…
See guys! I spruce up the ol' blog & I get new visitors! Woohoo! Maybe I will be more faithful in my ranting!
At 6:53 AM,
Shannon said…
you have the most beautiful family and are the exception to my whole blog today on married people living through single people.
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