~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Friday, August 8

Incredible clutz boy!

My YoungOne looks so abused. He has scrapes and bruises all over. Just today, while leaving a store he fell and skinned his knee. Cried & screamed for me (granted my hands had the Princess in her heavyass carseat) and he wanted his daddy. Yet tonight we were getting ready to head to dinner and he comes in with a big ol' red scrape looking thing on his forehead, but made not a peep about it? OlderOne said that he laughed about it. Have you all seen the plastic commercial with the mom who says "It'll be a miracle if he makes it to 21?"

Evil-De-Nevil I am raising. I like that new name. Oh, I haven't even told you about his toes! He has 3 on one foot that are tore up. He rides his cars/bikes etc down the hill, without shoes. I make him wear them out, but that is as long as they are on. Mangled I tell you. No foot modeling for him.

I am feeling obligated to create a new "word"........I shall ponder up some creativity. At the moment I am fresh out.

Married Life Rating: Hysterical! Hubby's brother decided if he ever moved away he would tell people he was an orphan with only 1 brother. Cause as usual the "others' are insane. The Griswoldians are now picking (? not really the right word for) potatoes. POTATOES and selling corn on the sides of roads for a farmer. Ok, the corn thing only slightly funny. The potato thing far more pathetic. Sister In Law's (the nice yet annoying one) son who's name rhymes with my YoungOne, is 15, and when it's "convienent" for said SIL, He has a "learning disability and/or a short attention span". Granted he plays video games 10 hours a day, but I digress. He has completed drivers ed, by some scary Iowa dumbass standards, he failed the initial written license part countless times til finally in some podunk town some little old lady read him the questions and told him which ones to study and then regave him the exact same test the next week. Ok...on to potatoes. On the first day, he goes with the grandparents to Mr. Farmer. Grandparents wonder off. Mr. Farmer gives nephew form to fill out so as he can get paid to pick the potatoes. Nephew (who "can't read, but gunna drive a car") says to Mr. Farmer, "No, I don't need to fill this out, I will do it for free!" BECAUSE he can't read/understand what the hell it is. OOHHHH MY GOD! I love these people. But he is either dumb or he isn't. You can't pick and choose his level of dumbness to suit what he or you want to do.

Bottomline, if I truelly believed my child had a problem: a) I wouldn't move him to a puny town with no really qualified "special ED" teachers. b) I most certainly wouldn't think to let him behind a 2000 lb vehicle. and c) I wouldn't share all the dumbass stories of all the things that occur.

He is not dumb, she lets him not try. She makes excuses for him. She blames the schools for him not trying. She blames OPS, granted, not a stellar school district, but when my son was not reading to his potential, we were enlisted to help, they gave him extra help. As parents we are responible for the minds we create. It is our obligation to our children to push them when they want to give up. Not to make excuses.

Gee I can't wait to spend tomorrow evening trapped on a farm with them. No not pickin potatoes. Cake & ice cream!


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