~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Monday, September 1

What a long weekend.

A long weekend and nothing accomplished. Nada. Zip. Zilch. I did vacuum out the minivan, but that was only cause it got a ton of grass in it over the weekend. It was not on my list.

Netzero HiSpeed is highspeed simply for the fact that it doesn't spend all that time loading pictures fully. The graphics on them are off, which is fine, cause it does give you the option of clicking on said photo if you really want to see what it is and making it load as "normal". For my blog browsing, speed is good. Pictures negotiable.

Yeah, Stamping is under 24 hours away. And I had a preview of what we are doing and it looks GOOD! I can't wait.

I completed OlderOne's birthday plate this weekend, so I guess that counts as getting something done, doesn't count in the not spending department though. Glad I went this weekend, cause Hubby says it looks like a hell week at work and since today was a holiday he will probably have to be there on Saturday. Grand. Though my cousin thinks she is taking the boys to Lincoln that day. So it'll be me and my Princess. She luuuuuuuuuuvs me. She is bordering on spoiled. She must hear my voice lately or she is not a happy camper. This doesn't bother me in the slightest, the Griswoldians were not impressed.

OH! Speaking of.... remember as a kid the old metal Winnebago that probably belonged to your brother that you could stick Barbie in and she looked goofy but you were making do cause your parents wouldn't buy you a real Barbie car? Well that is what the Griswoldians Winnebago looks like! It cracked me up. Hubby said it was way trashed inside, I didn't go look. They kill me. Yup, Ghetto RV, $400 in knives, $300 Trikke8 and hold on to your seats, they went and bought a big screen tv. Yet, I am supposed to be okay with having to draw names for Christmas cause they have no money? Someone please figure out a way I can just have Christmas Eve with the Cat sister in law and brother in law, my dad & stepmom & my kids & Hubby. If not Santa will need to drop off some serious Prozac a day early.

I have purchased 4 Christmas gifts to date. All for my children cause they matter the most. Spoiled brats! :) No make that 5, I forgot I got something odd for my dad too, he is a little odd so it'll work. He is very hard to buy for so when I seen something I think he'd get a kick out of, I buy it. This spending is justified in my not~spending~quest. That way it doesn't all bite me in the bottom in December and December's bonus can pay off bills instead of paying off Christmas.

Yeah, right. I mean it. Really I do. Somehow I also need to save some cash for the trip to Boston too. Damn. I hate money. Ok, I really hate not having an enormous amount of money to disperse as I see fit! Then again who doesn't....

Day 3 of Preschool, Cry or Not cry, that is the question.


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