~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Tuesday, August 26

The Modern World.

It's a great place, I sent (ok, well technically) a huge pothos plant to Leominster, MA. It's great, she loved it and of course, it looks great in her cute new house. I'd attach a photo, but I am not that cool and it's not my house. My house is that one on the block you drive by and it looks like ToysRus exploded in the yard. Dead flowers, cause screw them, it's hot out. We won't mention to hubby the sending of the plant, well maybe I had mentioned I wanted to, but in my new not spending plan there is no room for anymore long distance house warming. In my defense, it was ordered before my debt proclamation occured. Anyway you can only send expensive plants to those you know won't kill them. So she will have to keep it alive until at least November. It will, its only 3 months, mine at home have toughed thru similiar drought.....

Welp, tired of sweating. Hey, the cookbook is finely done. My OlderOne starts school again tomorrow! Woohoo! Oh yeah, YoungOne enjoyed his day today, kissed me & said bye Mom! Great. I got hives. Where did this new strange emotion symptom come from? Go away, I don't like it. And yes I still have these hives 14 hours later, so it must not have been the trauma of him not missing me.

I have completed 4 scrapbook pages, yes folks, front & back. Some more detailed than others, I didn't want to write cute crap on everyone. But it is all on hold until I get some more covers and some summer paper! I am all caught up til the month of June photos! Yippee! I really want to stay up on this. Since I have the winter to go thru 3 years of YoungOne's life and let's not talk about the 9 years of photos looming for my OlderOne. Do I need a portable shrine to him? His tanned handsome mug is framed all over my house. He has almost the entire photo screen devoted to himself, with the exception of photos of YoungOne thrown in to show how much they resemble each other......Yes, I know, he gets a book too, but not in his paws until he is married with his own kids and will appreciate it!

If I was wealthy a could take 5 friends on vacation.....It would be insane! My friends are all pretty different. It works well to hide my multiple personality disorder. They each have their own realm.


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