~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Wednesday, October 8

How is it children never tire? & Marshmallows are not a food group!

I am exhausted. I live this way. I am a firm believer that for all the joy your children bring you~they sure as hell suck 3 times as much energy from you. Here it is after 10, my YoungOne is still going full blast. Sure he has "pretended" he was going to bed several times. Only to come down stairs in one of my Tweety slippers & one of OlderOne's Scooby slippers. All I could do was laugh. Oh yeah, he had Tigger socks underneath them too. Undies & mismatched slippers, damn I missed a great digital moment! Now, as I type, he is sitting on the kitchen floor "reading" the phone book upside down. He claimed himself to be a Dr. earlier. Hubby was trying to get him to say his full name. He said his name is Dr. Hillie. I thought Hubby was going to cry with pride. It was very endearing. Now Go To Bed Damnit!

Not a whole lot to blog about. The Princess & I get most of Friday to ourselves as Hubby is taking a half day and taking the boys fishing. He wanted the whole day but has someone coming in for a meeting or something. What to do, what to do. Hey at least she sleeps!

I have scrapbookitis again. I tried to go find some new papers to play with cause I found a bunch of layouts I want to play with. Got a little stressed at Hobby Lobby today and left my cart there in the checkout line. It was all good, had to get home to be lost on AMC by noon anyway. Maybe I shall try again tomorrow while YoungOne is at school (which he doesn't cry about anymore~who say's Reese's PB cups can't buy peace!) or perhaps on Friday. WoW, what an exciting life! Home almost alone and my greatest thought is scrapbook paper shopping. Yeah, I know your jealous and so want to be me. I need to go develop some digies too, hold on to your hat! WooHoo!

I think something is wrong with me, I have this tiny twitch in my eye lately. WebMD help me? Old age breeds hypacondriacs right?


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