So I really want to read this book. It's on sale now. It wasn't the other day when I was gunna buy it. I read some reviews and people are surprised that it's good. Hello? What's not to like? A giant, oversized tabloid in bookform. Really how can I resist. Assuming the reviewers are also bored housewives looking to escape, not rocket scientists.
Day 5 of vanless. I am feeling it. Work allegedly was to begin today. Approximate time until happily back in my driveway...2 weeks give or take. Blah. It makes my tummy hurt.
Puppy potty training is going well. Like anyone really wanted to know. School shoe mission also accomplished thanks to Target. Target was not as helpful in the replace the carseat mission. One I kinda liked, but since I get reimbursed, I shall hunt on.
Hubby went out tonight and is going out Friday night. I can't complain, he really doesn't go out very often. And since I did ruin his last outing by wrecking the Mominit...I should not complain. I guess I am just a little jealous. So.
Thursday night! I am going somewhere! Any suggestions? Otherwise, I will end up at the bookstore for the aforementioned novel. Not so much fun there. I thought about doing something I have NEVER done, a movie alone. Dinner alone. I am not an alone person. Hence it must be a good thing I am married with children. Children disquise the fact that you are really talking to yourself. Granted before I had children, I didn't talk to myself.
Day 5 of vanless. I am feeling it. Work allegedly was to begin today. Approximate time until happily back in my driveway...2 weeks give or take. Blah. It makes my tummy hurt.
Puppy potty training is going well. Like anyone really wanted to know. School shoe mission also accomplished thanks to Target. Target was not as helpful in the replace the carseat mission. One I kinda liked, but since I get reimbursed, I shall hunt on.
Hubby went out tonight and is going out Friday night. I can't complain, he really doesn't go out very often. And since I did ruin his last outing by wrecking the Mominit...I should not complain. I guess I am just a little jealous. So.
Thursday night! I am going somewhere! Any suggestions? Otherwise, I will end up at the bookstore for the aforementioned novel. Not so much fun there. I thought about doing something I have NEVER done, a movie alone. Dinner alone. I am not an alone person. Hence it must be a good thing I am married with children. Children disquise the fact that you are really talking to yourself. Granted before I had children, I didn't talk to myself.
At 9:22 AM,
HoppyNuttiHammie said…
damn, the night i make plans to go to lincoln, you're free...
the nutter
At 10:05 AM,
Shannon said…
where is the frog when you NEED her to take you to Nino's! i'm sorry i'm 1,500 miles away ...
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