What next...
In 2005 I would like to avoid all hospitals. NO giving birth, no sick kids, no ER visits, no friends & no family illness's.
The Princess has the same infection as my boys did. So far, we have been able to keep HER outta the hospital.
However...Hubbykins decided we had to meet our year end quota. Why? I don't know, cause I had plans? Anyway, I go to run to help my mom write out some things, I get this call...Princess has poked him in his eye, am I coming home? Um, nope I was going "bowling", but sure, I can drop everything. Cause that is what I do. I make plans to go out. AND sure enough, a disaster. Stamping, drinking, even Card writing.
SO I come home and he can't open his eye. Won't let me "pull" it open, yet wants me to figure out what's wrong & to fix it. Cause, I am the great MOM and can just magically do this. Um, no. So. I give him a wet washcloth & some Tylenol PM. I go watch an incredibley odd movie (Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind). Fall asleep.
Wake up with him telling (blindly) he is going to the hospital. It's 1:30 am. Ok...3 kids MRSA positive. Emergency room. Oh yeah, sleeping kids. Who the hell do I know awake & SOBER at this hour.....Papa. SO ...my crazy non sleeping over cafienated broken wristed father comes over in 9 minutes flat. I love him. Close & crazy.
Did you know they make a dye to make your eye glow in the dark? IT was SO COOL. Ok, for entertainment at 3 in the morning. The ER was fast & sympathetic. Lucky Hubby. Hospital smell gags me and I spent the whole visit trying not to hurl from the "scent". It makes me sweat. It makes me nauseous.
Bottomline....A beautiful exact replica scratch of my girls fingernail on the cornea of his left eye. Off to fill prescriptions that according to him, aren't working for the pain. So have a beer with your meds. What else can I do. I do feel for him. Honest. But MEN are GIANT babies. I have posted this before. Lucky for him I am not after my sprained ankle paybacks or he'd be in big trouble.
So off to play doctor. Where's that thermometer...Oh yeah I think the dog had it last.... just kidding.
The Princess has the same infection as my boys did. So far, we have been able to keep HER outta the hospital.
However...Hubbykins decided we had to meet our year end quota. Why? I don't know, cause I had plans? Anyway, I go to run to help my mom write out some things, I get this call...Princess has poked him in his eye, am I coming home? Um, nope I was going "bowling", but sure, I can drop everything. Cause that is what I do. I make plans to go out. AND sure enough, a disaster. Stamping, drinking, even Card writing.
SO I come home and he can't open his eye. Won't let me "pull" it open, yet wants me to figure out what's wrong & to fix it. Cause, I am the great MOM and can just magically do this. Um, no. So. I give him a wet washcloth & some Tylenol PM. I go watch an incredibley odd movie (Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind). Fall asleep.
Wake up with him telling (blindly) he is going to the hospital. It's 1:30 am. Ok...3 kids MRSA positive. Emergency room. Oh yeah, sleeping kids. Who the hell do I know awake & SOBER at this hour.....Papa. SO ...my crazy non sleeping over cafienated broken wristed father comes over in 9 minutes flat. I love him. Close & crazy.
Did you know they make a dye to make your eye glow in the dark? IT was SO COOL. Ok, for entertainment at 3 in the morning. The ER was fast & sympathetic. Lucky Hubby. Hospital smell gags me and I spent the whole visit trying not to hurl from the "scent". It makes me sweat. It makes me nauseous.
Bottomline....A beautiful exact replica scratch of my girls fingernail on the cornea of his left eye. Off to fill prescriptions that according to him, aren't working for the pain. So have a beer with your meds. What else can I do. I do feel for him. Honest. But MEN are GIANT babies. I have posted this before. Lucky for him I am not after my sprained ankle paybacks or he'd be in big trouble.
So off to play doctor. Where's that thermometer...Oh yeah I think the dog had it last.... just kidding.
At 6:37 AM,
HoppyNuttiHammie said…
ahh, men...and we wonder why we spend most of your young adult lives thinking that if we only had one in our lives, we'd be so much happier! ha!! tell hubbikins that he owes us for making you miss out on the 'old fetus's' birthday festivities :-)
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