~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Wednesday, January 14

Free at Last...Free at Last...Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!

Yeah! Hipp! Hipp~and such. We have been paroled into to 10 days (3 per day) of trying to get just over 3 teaspoons of foul tasting medicine down the powerful Capt. Underpants. But I'll take it! Beats the hell outta playing, where to shuffle the baby off to and who's meeting the Older One in time for the bus.

For those curious, he acquired Methicillin Resitant Staph Aureus. Yeah, about as fun as it sounds. Where? WHO the hell knows, I was reading up on it just now. His form (since he doesnt frequent nursing homes or hospitals) is community aquired. SO TAKE ALL YOUR MEDS FOR THE FULL TIME PRESCRIBED or else you run the risk of infecting little people in your community who are normally living happily with their "normal" staph bacteria on the skin.

I feel so medical. I learned among other things, that pus (ewwwwww!) is actually your bodies white blood cells, which has been sent to fight off the intruders. Yeah, so think of that next time you pop a zit. Gag! Ok, that was a pretty sick FYI.

Did everyone miss me? I know, I miss me. I can't wait to settle back into the Dulldrums that my life is. I am happy to do so. There should be NO requests for drama to occur for quite some time Please! Thank You. :)

Thanks to all my well wishers! I am off to eat some more krispie treats! YUM.


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