~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Friday, January 23


Ok! Apparently Scrabble is not cutting it for a distraction against my non blogging. And since I can't manage to get into MSN messenger this morning. I shall update!

All is well with Captain Underpants, the Allstar Medicine Wrestling will be finished tomorrow. He has actually gotten pretty good at taking it, granted it's taken a lot of brown cow to get it down him, but I am patient, drink, squirt o' med, drink ...... you get it.

My Princess is happy as ever. All smiles and is on a bye bye waving kick, which is adorable if I do say so myself. I have been busy just loving her, as in my week of passing her off to others she was a little outta whack. She now has anxiety if the older of my cousins or my sister in law come in the house and immediately want to take her to hold her. She cries. If they sit for a few, then it's ok, cause she knows mommy isn't running off. Well, we shall see tonight, SIL is watching the kiddies so Hubby and I can go out for his birthday.

I so wish I had a maid. That being, not me. My floors are a mess and God, I would love a bed made with clean sheets. My goal for this weekend, change my linens! High hopes are had by all!

My borrowed child has a stomach flu apparently today, he is not here. Cross your fingers, he didn't leave any of THOSE sick cooties around here! In that thought, I shall run and get the OUST & the LYSOL and do some spraying. I am burning my antibiotical candle for good measure too!

More Later, I promise!


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