~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Sunday, March 14

Hubby Come BACK!

Hubby should be landing in South Carolina any minute. I miss him already. Smushy huh? Na, Captain Undies loves his daddy. AND well....That's how it goes. He won't be home til Friday. Eek. Whatever shall I do.

I am not into the blogging lately, as I am sure you can tell by my lack of posting. My Ebaying failed. My garage saleing seems to be slacking in motivation. And I have not made it to the pottery joint to make my girl a plate and now that I am second parentless I don't think it will be done in time for her party. If I am lucky I can whip one up in time for the actual day. We shall see. Is there a perscription for motivation? Can I buy one? I am in desperate need.

The SIL will be here tonight for I get to hang out with yet another teen tomorrow in addition to my teen mute (who has community service tomorrow & tuesday) woohoo, lets hope she gets all her things to do to get back to school early done otherwise this drags into April, and I will not be a happy camper. Where did anyone get the notion I like children? I love mine, simply because I created them, not because they are children, but they are my onry whiney little people in desperate need of bathing. Hmm, did I mention it was at least nice outside today, YUP, Capt. Undies played outside fully clothed. Well until he dropped his play keys in the crack between the stairs and the house never to be seen again, unless SUPERdad can get them out. I couldn't take the screaming outside any longer and made them come in. Dumb. Maybe. but the noise stopped. Not as fun I guess with out the neighborhood for an audience.

Well, lets see, can I get thru the week without really cooking?


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