~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Sunday, March 7

So much to do still.

The Princess's party invites are done with great help and thanks from the frogand Charlie's Mommie. The blog goddess did her part too, all the way from dear ol' Bend, she removed my red-eye for me since I don't have my photoshop back on the computer yet (from previous computing disaster). I have put on Snapfish though since and it works pretty good too.

Another quality week of teen sitting awaits. Literally, she sits. I sit. We all sit. Ok, the kiddies run around like lunatics and I hide in on the net.

Birthday shopping complete, just waiting for all my packages in the mail, FedEx and UPS. Ok, can you say, OVERDONE! Well, that's me. Can't just do a little, must be above & beyond the realm of sane. We've got doll clothes coming, charms for the bracelet and a small steamer trunk to place the aforementioned doll clothes in till the Spoiled Princess o' Pink is big enough to play with them. Hmm, I feel I am missing something on that list. Maybe not, the clothes from Lands' End already got here the other day.

Also waiting on scrapbook won on eBay to start for her betrothed in Boston. Speaking of ..I have my first Items available on eBay. Gotta hate getting rid of stuff with tags still on it for Petey's sake. But we'll see, no bids yet. Bummer.

I am swearing off tortilla chips inside the house. I seem to have issues with them causing damage in my throat when consumed not in a restaurant (wow, spelled it write!)
Ha, did ya catch that, write instead of right? Ok, deliriousness is afoot. Time for bed!


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