~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Tuesday, January 27

WoW SnoW PloWs!

Four of em even. Too bad Hubby & SIL shoveled goofy in the driveway and didn't leave me a valley wide enough to get the minivan out of. Well I could, but it wouldn't be pretty. Dent in the back and ICE scrapes down the sides, probably not a good idea.

Today is Hubby's birthday. I shall make him a card. And a cake. And dinner. and then get him to reshovel the valley to parol the van.

My girl is getting a cold. She is boogerie and whiney. But she can do all this while smiling! No, not really.

My borrowed child is not here again today, would be nice to know this stuff in advance so as not to have to get out of nice warm bed for no reason. Some people.

Blog Goddess is leaving. I need an IM goddess as I can't get logged on for some IM's either.

Damn Snow. Damn Cold. Damn. Damn. Damn.

Tomorrow lots to do, assuming I get out of the driveway. Could someone please shovel the 3 foot drift in the middle of the street where the plows couldn't get, because the neighbor kids 2 moveless vehicles are in the stinkin way? Pet peeve, you know it's gunna snow, get your crap off the street. Makes me miss living in LaVista......

I am going back to my blankie with my girl on the couch. Love ya! Snow ya later!


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