~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Monday, January 26

Medicine Wrestling Continues

I thought we were done. Capt. Undies thinks he is done. He doesn't know Daddy is stopping to pick up more medicine after work. The Infectious Disease gurus say he must stay on it until everything is perfect. My poor guy. I am out of brown cow. How will we get the medicine down. Hell. Hubby will have to run into the Albertson's next door after picking up the med. If ones co-pay for a substance is $35 what do you suppose the stuff cost for the uninsured? Very scary thought. Sorry not a thrilling post, but didn't figure you wanted me to rant on about how I hate snow and we are heading for over a foot of the crap.

Mail Man, Mail Man, I wish I would have picked the Netflix list for this week. Hubby and I rarely agree on a flic. But hey, at least all I had to do was put them in the mailbox instead of dredding a drive to Blockbuster! WooHoo!


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