~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Friday, March 26


Despite my leaning towards not, I used my small batter bowl (see your local Pamp Chef lady for that one) to actually bake a cake in. I winged it and with great triumph am the owner (yes, I know it's after midnight) of a darling little cake about 3 inches tall. In honor of Shannon and her South Sister, it resembles a small flat top volcano. Yes, I know I could have just made a cupcake, but sometimes size does matter. Afterall, you only turn 1 once. Yippee! Now the rest of the cake mix is baking a plain ol' cake. I am tired, but have never refrigerated cake batter so thought I should stay up and bake the rest.

P.S. My girl stayed home. Thankfully she is missing out on pink cake baking 101.

Much to do, Must make a list and go to bed. Finish damn cake, I am sleepy.


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