
Well your Happy, yes thats right your so happy, so
pretty and witty and if i go on any more i will
have to pay for the rights of this song so,
great job your one of the lucky ones.
What Emotion Dominates you?
brought to you by Quizilla
What a waste of a day! I haven't done squat. Well, a boring trip to Sam's for cheese slices, milk and chicken. See even the grocery list was boring!
I should be laundering or something. Yet I find myself counting the minutes until baseball practice tonight. Ahh peace & quiet.
My keyboard is filthy. Eew. Curse of kids in the kitchen I suppose. I need to find a diet Cherry Pepsi other than that the "cravings" really aren't a big deal anymore. Success? We shall see.
At 7:27 PM,
HoppyNuttiHammie said…
keep up the good work on the SOBE diet, i may be joining you :-) and then we can bond over our cravings...
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