~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Thursday, May 13

Things to DO

Must fill out registration for next school year's preschool.
Must buy bleach pen to try to cure skin condition developed by Cabbage Patch doll.
Must ... hmm, guess not so bad afterall.

I don't think babies are supposed to eat Reese's pb cups. Girlie has discovered one of YoungOnes lost (ok, left on table & she got up on a chair to get it) ones. Well if she develops a peanut allergy, at least she had some enjoyment on the experience. Though I am sure that there isn't enough real peanut in one to count. I wish she'd have taken the paper off at least first. Ick.

It's absofrigginlutasillilly cold here today. OMG. Yes I know I will complain about the overwhelming heat here next month, but 40's in May are foul!

And about American Idol, I had never watched this before last night, but perhaps they should consider making the votes toll calls to encourage a more rational consideration than the concept of let's vote off the "old" people who seem to have talent for a non-on-key singin cutey girl/guy. I just don't get how this show has lasted. Make them eat bugs or something at least.

Well, pb to clean up, forms to fill out and checks to be written. Thank God tomorrow is payday, sucks that I'll have spent it before then!


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