No, really toss your cookies here.
Apparently I have caused the Cookie Tossin' Outbreak. Everyone I know has come down with the hurls and "other". I am afraid I will be rejected next year for the cookie fest. Despite Lysol and Pinesol and cleaning doorknobs and whatnot. I feel horrible. I am so sorry guys, if it is indeed all my fault.
If the germies are still alive I guess I get to knock off the inlaws. So there is a perk. Just kidding.
Deranged cookie killer hiding her head in shame.
If the germies are still alive I guess I get to knock off the inlaws. So there is a perk. Just kidding.
Deranged cookie killer hiding her head in shame.
At 8:27 AM,
HoppyNuttiHammie said…
i KNEW you should've given out those kraft cookie bags as party favors :-) don't worry about the hurlin' makes me feel better knowing that WW won't scold me for eating so many cookies over the weekend
:-) gross, i know, but kinda funny. we still love ya!!
the nutter, cookies tossed and feeling much better
At 8:34 AM,
Frog said…
yikes. insert green pukey face here. next year i say we skip the cookies and trade ornaments - at a restaurant. =)
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