~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Saturday, December 18

Toss your cookies here....

Today I hosted my first all girl function...It was the utmost fun! I do believe...and if I may say so myself. I have some wonderfully baking (& not so baking)pals! Long live the the cookie sickness bags & champagne! Who knew!

That's alot of !!!'ing. I also had several HOURS in a row, without my children! Hanging out with GROWN-UPS (ok, and a beautiful fetus & a couple OTHER people's children) BUT still...all so pleasant.

I still have much shopping to do. and apparently have once again tarnished Hubby's plan to surprise me with his time off. I was complaining that I have to get all my stuff done tomorrow, in addition to taking OlderOne to the movies & attending snail/shrimp/bread/beerfest. He says...I have the whole week off. I love him so.

So now that the cookies are all exchanged and delivered to neighbors (need to bake some "extra" things for my mumster...must finish up last of shopping....Purchase food to live on...Purchase food for Christmas eve...and Christmas day dinner...OH and get the damn turkey out of my fridge tomorrow and into the oven. That doesnt sound too fair, I get fancy, they get dry ass turkey!

Deranged...off to make another looney list!


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