~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Wednesday, October 29

2 weeks to go! Woo Hoo!

It's almost time for my New England vacation! Which to my delight will include a fabo trip to KitteryOutlet in Maine, some bundled up in parkas ocean viewing and major baby bonding. Prince Charming lives in the birthland of Johnny Appleseed (go check your history books) and I can't wait to meet his cute little blond self (no, not Mr. Appleseed). The packing (ok, repacking, needed larger suitcase so I can bring home goodies!) has begun! Yippee Yippee Yippee

Why does Hubby's boss keep making plans for him the days he is to be home while I am out of town? First he tried to send him out of town. No go. And now I must arrange for someone to pick YoungOne up from school the day I leave because The Bossman has "invited" some guests into our fair notsoMetropolis and Hubby just HAS to go in for at least half the day. Come on y'all, I NEVER GO ANYWHERE. Why must we cause me stress and worry and undo anxiety.

And I still have not figured out what darling Hubby has instore for our birthday outing. He just keeps pokin fun cause I am having a birthday month. Not really, just 2 weeks! One drinking, one not.

Why is my son playing with tools? Damn Hubby, didn't put away his toys. Gotta go.


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