~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Monday, November 3


My YoungOne boycotted Halloween. I got his costume on long enough to go to the neighbors and he refused to put it back on. So we made our costumeless visits to family, dropped OlderOne off at my brothers and a trick or treatin he went. Thankfully he got lots of candy, cause I am beat down tired today. Sugar sugar sugar!

My friend (the one we are going to visit next week!) her little boy is 3 weeks older than my Princess and he is pulling him self up on stuff! My girl feels complete if she can pull herself onto your lap on the floor! So she should learn all sorts of party tricks while we are there! Yippee. Better ones than making me fish out paper from her mouth, curse of the older brothers.

Nemo is out tomorrow, wishin it were today, cause today is the perfect lay on the couch and watch movies day...Cold, dark, rainy.....ick.


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