~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Sunday, April 11

Happay Easta!

Life is still hectic. The sale went well. The house is still being put back together.

My baby can walk. It is a mixed thing. Very cute to watch vs. MY LITTLE GIRL is walking. Next it'll be real words, then yelling them and ...well you know how girls can be.

She does this SO cute thing, where she'll walk up to you and start babbling then wait for you to respond, like a real conversation and then laugh and toddle away.

Enough babyness...NO never. I think she had some bad backs on her earrings. An earring came off when she was climbing off me and I searched all over for it only to discover it was stuck to her ear still. She had only had them on a couple days. So the back part looks a little infected, not the front or the hole though, so maybe the back wasn't really gold. Odd. Who knows, I love earrings....I never seem to have time or brain to wear any myself.

OOOH, the Easta Bunnay brought a darling jewelry box for the Princess, no silly ballerina's in it either, it has a butta fly. Yeah, who knows, I am in a odd no 'er typing mood. The boys each got Hover (ok, Hova-see didn't fit there though) Disks. Funny thing in the commercial, they are winging them around the house and outside....blah blah blah. They are 3 feet across, where do those people live? Oh yeah and it says it is strongly recommended NOT to put helium in them for use outdoors, as though they are slightly weighted for hovering, they could float away....HMM, would be nice to put such an advisery on the OUTSIDE of the package you marketing screwballs!

Tomorrow night begins OlderOne's baseball practice. Yipppee, eventually quiet time for me! Games I will attend, but not each and every practice.

Well time for bed cause in the morning I am off to see if the frilly dresses from Easter (i am done) are on clearance so that next year The Princess can have a foo-foo dress to wear for her birthday. Oh, that reminds me, must check on the tu-tu dress at Gymboree also. It was on sale, hoping it goes on sale cheaper. Nope not any cheaper.. And I found some Hula girl sheets at Pottery Barn that I want....I want......I want.....


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