Please no more....
Dear God, I fully believe you give no more than one can handle. I can not handle anymore hospital. In any way shape or form. (ok, I did have a brief baby thought, but it was very brief) Today I technically gave up, I packed up all the "stuff" (ie:games, books, snacks etc.) and took the Princess and YoungOne home early to play outside. Call it stir crazy, call it OlderOne toooooo crabby to stand in the same 8 x 8 room with any longer. I know he wants to come home. I want that too and hopefully tomorrow it will be happening, hence why I gathered the gear. They are supposed to ultrasound the "absess" that still lingers on his leg to find out that it is indeed damaged tissue or the less desirable option and highly unlikely still has infection lingering. I say this purely based on just having gone thru this in January. It is just damaged tissue (please God.) I will truck thru twice a week doctor visits and too many copays.
No info yet on where to purchase a bubble, lotta help you all are. We have quality out at the farm blowin stuff up coming and I am so paranoid it's not even funny.
Hmm, Oh I didn't mention my most horrifying of moments that has occurred and left me glued to my Girl ....Thursday night we all came home to get put to bed, the kiddos thru horrible fits cause I needed to stay home with them instead, so I did. While trying to get some laundry in quickly, my Gal decided to try out the mousebait. NOT A GOOD THING. I was hysterical. It still gives me a pukey feeling just thinking about it. Thank you wonderful calm people at Children's & the Poison Control Place. In case I become a google takes approx. 5 handfuls to cause any concern/reaction, but do watch for 3 days for any unexplained bleeding. Yes, Madame MousePimp, the home has been unDecon'd. Bad bad pretty turquoise tablets. Even though they have been there forever and never ever gone near and tonight I noticed glass from a broken lightbulb that she had to cross over to even get to the box.
It has all been just too damn much. OH yeah, House, still in shambles, cause remember it was a mess before 5 days of just stopping in to drop off stuff etc.
Cross those toes and fingers, out tomorrow. Otherwise I will be taking hospital volunteer hanger outters.
No info yet on where to purchase a bubble, lotta help you all are. We have quality out at the farm blowin stuff up coming and I am so paranoid it's not even funny.
Hmm, Oh I didn't mention my most horrifying of moments that has occurred and left me glued to my Girl ....Thursday night we all came home to get put to bed, the kiddos thru horrible fits cause I needed to stay home with them instead, so I did. While trying to get some laundry in quickly, my Gal decided to try out the mousebait. NOT A GOOD THING. I was hysterical. It still gives me a pukey feeling just thinking about it. Thank you wonderful calm people at Children's & the Poison Control Place. In case I become a google takes approx. 5 handfuls to cause any concern/reaction, but do watch for 3 days for any unexplained bleeding. Yes, Madame MousePimp, the home has been unDecon'd. Bad bad pretty turquoise tablets. Even though they have been there forever and never ever gone near and tonight I noticed glass from a broken lightbulb that she had to cross over to even get to the box.
It has all been just too damn much. OH yeah, House, still in shambles, cause remember it was a mess before 5 days of just stopping in to drop off stuff etc.
Cross those toes and fingers, out tomorrow. Otherwise I will be taking hospital volunteer hanger outters.
At 7:43 AM,
HoppyNuttiHammie said…
hang in there seems to ALL come down at once, doens't it...but it will get better...
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