~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Sunday, August 29


Am I the only one who has a burning desire to write when the new shows (& the few old favorites) will start on the calendar? Yes, I know this is yet one more sign I have no life.

I try. I tried tonight. Made plans for the big Noelleino's beer dispensing debut. Of course it turned out to correspond with the "dart banquet". Now one would imagine something starting at 1:00 in the afternoon would leave an opening for "moi" to go out after 6. HA. That is only if one's darling spouse were home by then, moderately sober & willing to stay awake to watch the community property (aka: the kids & pup). None of which transpired of course. Toppers being, I gave up $20 for him to go and get $11? That's dumb. Ok, well everyone gets $11, cept me. And gee, me the loving wife gets to live thru this all again next weekend for some friggin weekend tournament, 3 days on Labor Day weekend. Thanks Alot Dart Organizing Morons.

My house is in total shambles. I was in bow therapy. Unsuccessful as it may have been (the therapy, not the bows.) Perhaps had I not had 3 kids & a dog..........

And why (after several reminders during the week) does my older one wait until this evening to "remember he forgot" to bring down his dirty clothes. Hence, only remembering when I asked him what he intended to wear tomorrow (cause I knew the clothes had not yet been brought down). So here I sit at 9:45 on Sunday evening washing, drying & folding his clothes. My mother would have told me I was "shit outta luck". Lucky for him, I try not to be my mother. Often.

I have more "and why's" but I shall refrain from boring everyone to tears with my homemade mysteries.


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