~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Wednesday, September 1

M o M i n I T

Yahoo! The Mominit is home! Apparently though I promised YoungOne that I would take him to the "new" Wally Wierd when we got it back. Did I say the millisecond Dad got out of it we'd go? Um, NO. I have/had plans. Then again, I never seem to take top billing and me being a sucker for a shiney clean new store...we went, Princess of Hairbowbia and her royal jester Captain New Boxers. Where did my naked boy go? Who is this kid who wants new clothes, yes, only boxers, but still.

SO! Glad we went. The "newest" had hairbows! And of course being where we were, they were cheap. Like cheaper than I can/have been doing myself. Closing in on a different one everyday of the month, if only had the coordinating clothing to pull that off.

It seems as though Darling Hubby has taken the next few days off, so it's a 5 day in a row with the pending holiday. Guess this is cause he was feeling "bad" about the dart gig taking up the weekend. Hence, we are going to the zoo tomorrow (or today if anyone reads this anymore) I hope he knows this needs to be accomplished EARLY in the day to avoid heat & crankiness. Followed by the last baseball fireworks show in the evening. That's alot of time in the same part of town. Must take interstate to avoid 24th & L morons. :) Hope he doesn't expect me to cook lunch while he's off. Maybe the kiddos will share their pb & j's or chicken bites. I am sure he won't be impressed.


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