~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Wednesday, December 3

C is for ....

Cookie! Christmas! Cocktails! Compadres! I am excited my Cookie Exchange is in full swing! I feel the Holiday spirit! WooHoo! In a pleasant compromise it will occur a few days after the stimulating (haha!) toy party!

We stamped & made some holiday gift bags last night. A little taxing on the brain cells but cool. Looking forward to quality stamping Saturday afternoon as well.

Why is baby food so expensive? I spent a small fortune today cause I had coupons and most of it was on sale. Why is there no where I can buy it buy the case here? The "bulk" store in Mass. sells veggies buy the case. NO FAIR.

Is it Lobsta tail night yet? Need to get Hubby's suit out, he is worried I think that a) I don't know where it is or b) that it won't fit.

JcPenney or UPS mutilated my Princess's dollhouse bookcase. Now I have this 77 pound box sitting around waiting for us to lug it or for the UPS man to come back for it. The c/s lady didn't sound to hopeful on the latter. So, I guess I will take Hubby to the mall (eek, during Christmas season) this weekend. Hello People, ordered online so I didn't have to GO TO THE MALL. Though, there is something I need to get there. Princess needs a Hillie mitten. We have this hanging decoration with everyones name on a mitten, well she is mittenless.

Enough babble, time to put away the groceries.


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