~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Thursday, October 28

WifeSwapped Desperate Housewife

Yeah So I watch a little too much brainrot TV! But the Sox won, too bad I am not getting a vacation to see Magoo & his Mommy for my bday this year. I miss them.

Hubby swapped out our new phone with the old before I could write down the numbers in the "phonebook" thingy. Crap. Can't call anyone, I have no braincells for number remembering, but at least the new phones have the numbers on them so if my Mom visits I don't have to dial for her. Try telling her they haven't changed location since invented I believe. SO. Must locate parts to old phone & try & retrieve info. Hmm, or maybe just send emails out requesting it! Ha, talk about lazy! That's me..

Ok, back to title. How does one acquire the compulsive cleaning disorder? I have checked out the Flylady, not catching the bug yet. I watch the show. (Clean Sweep too, no help) Desperate Housewives, I am the mom leaving her heathens on the side of the road, longing to medicate (myself) and realizing how uncontrolabley I love them. SICK. I tell ya.

I just need this disorder temporarily. I won't abuse it I promise. Or can one of them just show up here, I can be the "pigsty" house, ok, minus the funky hairball things they all seem to have floating around on their floors. I am readily admitting this need. My flaw. It used to only be my bedroom. I blame my mom. If she would've just let IT be a mess, then I wouldn't be this way today. Ok, not really.

Think it's possible to throw away EVERY marker in my house? I made the mistake of having to chase puppy into OlderOne's room. OMG. I am my mother. It was awful, and the words came outta my mouth...... Help me, I can't turn into her!

Stop the insanity. Tell me how! Where do I start really. I watched some disorder about people who SAVE everything. That is not me. But it sure seems close. Ok, my kids save EVERYTHING. ex: Recent Target therapy resulted in Spidey Bath collection for YoungOne (anything to get him to bathe)....I take all supplies minus the lipbalm(big mistake, he thinks he has Angelina Jolie lips and smears the crap to his ears)and put it in the linen closet and throw the box away. It has now been thrown away about 12 times. NOW he is carrying it around with change & some little "notes".

I don't think I have mentioned how my insane list writing is rubbing off on him now have I? He is making lists. Scribbling in notebooks. Stealing MY notepads. Just yesterday at dinner there were 4 little yellow pads on the table and now, tonight when I went to grab one to plan out tomorrow...GONE. Probably to markerville upstairs. Did I mention he is only 4 and can't really write let alone make a list. THUS adding more mess as I pick (and try to throw away) 800 little papers a day.

I think Nutti needs to come organize me still or better yet, I need to plan a get together, forcing me to clean before Christmas else I am gunna be devoured by my OCNCD (obsessive compulsive NOT cleaning disorder) not to be confused with CHAOS (can't have anyone over syndrome).


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