~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Friday, September 17

All's Well that End's Well

Puppy was sick. Puppy is better. Puppy stressed me out. I tend to fear the worst lately. But all is better.

No 4 day weekend. I shall survive.

I need a shower. Desperately. Yes, so get off the damn computer crazy lady.

My kitchen is a mess again, so yes, I did make dinner last night. Impressed? Don't be. I must clean it again.

I so didn't want to get outta bed this morning. Perhaps cause I was up late waiting for Puppy to "cure" herself.

She is eating a Polly Pocket from McD's. Great. While laying ontop of Elmo. Have I mentioned she LOVES to lay under the Princess's crib. Oh yeah, that room, not clean yet.

No, this is stuff under the kitchen table.

Must go figure out a way to get Target Therapy covered under mental health policy for insurance. It's a nationwide practice I have discovered! Granted, then I'd try to get the debt incrued covered too......


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