~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Thursday, October 21

You GO Martha

Can't wait for her to get out & publish that Joy of Microwave Cooking book! I supported her efforts today and bought a comforter on clearance at K*mapart. I love Martha. I don't care what anyone thinks. She will be bigger & better (and should go to Target instead to complete my Therapy)

To Celebrate My love of Martha....

This weekend I/we (they don't know it yet)are going to find pine cones, smear them with peanut butter and roll them in bird seed and put them out for the critters. (ok, so Real Simple, Not Martha or LIVING seeing that her name is SO small on there now)

Tomorrow must concoct a chicky pot pie suitable for giving kindly to healing Mr (overly mowing lawnman) aka Mr Earl May. And a cake, that does look so yummy they may just get brownies instead! j/k and some movies..... So far tonight only thing accomplished is the movies.

oh yeah, must take Princess to Dr. for her hacking which is preventing me from getting any sleep. Damn cough, went away and now it's back with a vengence. Hacking at me..."You suck, Bad Mommie...." Hack...Hack....

Hubby is home. He took today & tomorrow off. WHY? Not so sure. But ok with it, cept, still getting nothing done and I haven't seen a soap all week. There is something so wrong with that.

Crappo, I never did make my Rice Krispie treats either. Slacker. The box is staring at me. G o A w a y!

Forgot it was water day, now I have a bunch of empty bottles and full bottles taking up space. Argh.

BLogging isn't getting anything done. It's late. I am sleep deprived and neurotic.

Did you know Ostrich does taste better than beef? On a burger at least. Well the bite I timidly took of it. Thanks Wild Oats. See you tomorrow for some essential oils to calm my soul.

I am jealous. Someone better have brought home some kinda book from this pursey beer fest. Damn Hacking Princess. No, not really. Love her.

AND for those counting down with me..it's over...time for bed! Later Chickapeas!


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