~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Sunday, September 28

Bored. So Bored.

When I get this bored, I get cranky & irritable.

In a effort (though futile) to cure my boredom, Hubby took us to the mall. We checked out the wall climbing thingy at a new store. Kind of cool and then let the children play in the "camp" playland. This was something I had planned to let them do yesterday when I was done shopping, but YoungOne was a super~duper brat, so we left.

We also swung by to scope out the window Hubby & brother in law put in yesterday. 8 trips to the hardware store later, they did pretty damn good.

See boredom thing, not looking up.

Tomorrow must take my Princess for her 6 month shots. Wednesday is her well-baby checkup, better known as the "Hey Lady, you owe us money, pay up" visit.

Is it time for vacation yet? The joy of sitting on someone else's couch.

Stupid Sister In Law update: Hmm. Where to start....Nephew went to get his learner's permit for a motorcycle....Must come back later this week when there will be someone available to READ the test to him.......Hmmm. The state of Iowa gave him a hunting license.....Dumb SIL is buying him a gun for Christmas.
Guess I should buy my entire family neon orange safety vests.........Is there someone I can report this READING of test's stupidity too. If you can not read enough to pass a test, you should not be allowed to do whatever it is you are testing for.

Oh, and the jobless, loser brother in law, that lives with them, brought home a cat. God, please help me.

Tuesday, September 23

Not for the weak stomach!

Well! Be impressed I got some more pictures on the "family" site.

You should also be impressed, I posted twice in the same day. Granted, I don't promise it is an exciting post. But none the less.

Really I wanted to vent. While skimming the lame'o cable channels, I stumbled upon our local "public access" channel. I am not a prejudice person, but what I listened to enrages me. An African American, praising Ala and blah blah has a "call-in" show. I stopped on this channel cause the man was discussing the burial of our local police officer. I have intentionally (thankfully the news channel I watch has not really "chatted" alot with the killer's family) avoided viewing anything dealing with the quote unquate other side of the story. Bottom line, yes, I know 2 mothers lost their sons. BUT if one is a THUG and one is a POLICEMAN, the logic in which the guilt lies should be explanitory, besides, the slain officer is NOT the one that shot said THUG. Anyway, I digress....Shitbag caller calls Mr. PrayintoAla and has the gall to complain how no body cares about the THUG &/or his family. The two go on to discuss how us WHITE people, raise all this money for this Officer's family. Yes, I am sure Mr. Officer had life insurance, homeowners insurance and such to cover expenses in the occurance of his death. I am sure he did this because he was a grown up with a family and priorities and a JOB that put his hard working life in danger. I am also sure he paid a pretty penny for said insurances soley based on the fact that his job required him to consort with said THUGS on a daily basis. They go on to mention how the THUG's mothers church wouldn't allow his funeral there or something to that effect, it was low tech, microphone to the telephone stuff so some was garbled. THANKFULLY. They were still ranting when I changed the channel and came to get online to prevent myself from calling the phone number on the screen and telling them what THIS lawbiding mother thinks of their stupidity.

If you were in the right, you wouldn't have run. You wouldn't have had a Bible's worth of "incidents" on your record. And most certainly, you wouldn't have had a gun in which to shoot at innocent people while fleeing thru "the hood".

There are good and bad people of all colors. Some just attract attention to themselves based on stupidity, not race.

End of soapbox. Blocking Cox Cable Channel 22 from my remote control.

Confessions of a Blog Slacker.....

I haven't really felt bloggy lately, can you tell? So glad it's is new TV season. I love TV, but only when there is something entertaining and nonsport related to view. Tonight I shall bring my Kleenex box to the couch and watch the new (& assumingly short) season of 8 Simple Rules.....No explanation needed there. Speaking of, while watching the Emmy's In Memorium thing, I didn't realize truely how many great actors/actresses have died in the last year. I mean I knew they died, but until you view a 10 minute clip of who's who, you think oh yeah, I forgot they just died too. Very sad, cause today's people just don't have the same lasting appeal.

Hmm. Bon Jovi bought/started his own indoor football team? Odd. Too much money John?

The photo blog is still in the works. Only 1 picture still sorry.

Come on brief freeze, I am tired of the drippy nose.

Wednesday, September 17


Well, survived the Pampered Chef. Survived the drive. AND last but certainly not least darling SIL wants to just get together at somepoint for a family dinner instead of coming over for Christmas Eve! Allrighty then! 2004 is looking up! A nice low key holiday preview! Did a little Holiday shopping today just cause the prospect made me giddy! I need to make a list of what I have gotten so far or I will get lost! Ho Ho Ho!

Monday, September 15

Ok, so I have no life. I took my camera into Sam's and developed the ones I wanted most. Yes, I came home & placed them beautifully into the scrapbook. I love the page with Princess's bedroom the best! Welp, time to tidy the home so it doesn't look like I scrapbooked all afternoon. The Princess is in need of a tubby too. Jealous of my exciting life yet?

Sunday, September 14

My Sister~in~Law is so dumb.........

Let me count the ways, all $414 worth! I love Steven Tyler. But I have my limits and my sanity. There will be no drawing names for Christmas. If she mentions her brokeness to me EVER again, I shall shove this latest shitbag (that one's for you Froggy) antic down her throat. God help me, I have to travel to Mo Valley for a Pampered Chef party with this woman Tuesday night. Please let me develop a case of larengitis (sp?) that way I will keep my mouth shut or better yet, have a great reason not to go. Hey Frog, what things were you doubled up on so I know what NOT to buy. I don't know the people having the party, thus I do not feel obliged to buy much. Perhaps another citrus peeler or pan scrapers.

Eek. They make me crazy.

On a happy note~ The Princess's scrapbook is complete up to the pictures still hanging out on the digital! I rock.

Friday, September 12

I feel like doodie.

My sinuses are killing me. I am drippy & crabby. I wish I didn't have things to do today.

My concert plans are not looking up. I am so old I don't even now how to aquire them other than paying the robbery price thru ticketmaster.

And apparently only those who truely love me remember when my birthday is.....My poor big screen tv buyin wanna draw names for Christmas sister in law is planning on taking her icky ex-husband/current boyfriend and her son to the formentioned concert on my day. So again 2 years is a row, she will have forgotten. Get a calendar dumbass! I never forget yours.......Bitter, slightly.

Maybe this is all a sign to spend the first day of 30ness with those I am close too. Hmm, don't think Frog & Schwanny are up to an evening with all of my kiddies!

55 days and counting to get my damn licensed renewed. Let the procrastination continue!

Wednesday, September 10

Steven Tyler is coming to see ME for my 30th birthday.

Ok, while I am daydreaming, he is bring KISS with him. Why oh why. I LOVE Mr. Tyler. My OlderOne is named in his behalf. He is old, has no ass & giant lips. What the hell am I thinking! I am thinking it be a thing off my TO DO b4 I die list......Birthday plates for my children, See Steven Tyler. Yeah, that about covers it. It's a short list, I don't know when I will die, so I figure I still have plenty of time to lengthen it!

Hey, got to lounge around in bed til 9:30 today, me and the kiddies snuggling under a blankie watching Dora the Explorer while it rained.......Ahhhh the joys of motherhood return to me!

Tuesday, September 9

Rain Rain wash my cares away.

I wish I was still in bed. I can't recall the last time I could sleep all day on a rainy blucky day like today. But, today at that day of course.

I am updating. Excited. I am kind of blogged out lately. No comment love so feel like I am talking to myself and that folks, I can do without having to type.

The delightful plane ticket to Boston has been purchased. Feeling leary on the whole E-ticket thing. Never done one of those before. I printed off everything for fear of getting screwed. So.....Anyone E-ticketed thru MidwestExpress?

As usual, the homestead is in shambles. Not as bad as normal, but still feeling hopeless looking at it.

YoungOne refused to go in the basement last night cause he saw a cricket. Granted he was at the top of the stairs and saw it. I didn't see it til I got all the way down there. Goofy. I don't like them either but geesh, He was acting like a girl.....

Speaking of, there seems to be a cricket behind by stove still...I think I have mentioned him before. Go Away! Noisy icky bug. Cursed old houses....New shiny new homes get crickets too?

Thursday, September 4

A morning without tears.

Yeah, it probably took a bribe of going to the Dollar Tree store and then going to see Grandpa, But Hey whatever works at this point. Can't go wrong with a store where everything is $1. He even found a buck on a walk the other day so it's all good. NO, I won't make him spend his dollar.

The Princess is napping so it's a quick blog before I venture to pick him back up. My 2 1/2 hours (what it boils down to after OlderOne leaves) is not really long enough. I use it to regroup(aka read blogs). Relax and as usual, accomplish nothing. I did clean the stove yesterday, How's it get so gross under the burner plate thingys? Ick.

Monday, September 1

What a long weekend.

A long weekend and nothing accomplished. Nada. Zip. Zilch. I did vacuum out the minivan, but that was only cause it got a ton of grass in it over the weekend. It was not on my list.

Netzero HiSpeed is highspeed simply for the fact that it doesn't spend all that time loading pictures fully. The graphics on them are off, which is fine, cause it does give you the option of clicking on said photo if you really want to see what it is and making it load as "normal". For my blog browsing, speed is good. Pictures negotiable.

Yeah, Stamping is under 24 hours away. And I had a preview of what we are doing and it looks GOOD! I can't wait.

I completed OlderOne's birthday plate this weekend, so I guess that counts as getting something done, doesn't count in the not spending department though. Glad I went this weekend, cause Hubby says it looks like a hell week at work and since today was a holiday he will probably have to be there on Saturday. Grand. Though my cousin thinks she is taking the boys to Lincoln that day. So it'll be me and my Princess. She luuuuuuuuuuvs me. She is bordering on spoiled. She must hear my voice lately or she is not a happy camper. This doesn't bother me in the slightest, the Griswoldians were not impressed.

OH! Speaking of.... remember as a kid the old metal Winnebago that probably belonged to your brother that you could stick Barbie in and she looked goofy but you were making do cause your parents wouldn't buy you a real Barbie car? Well that is what the Griswoldians Winnebago looks like! It cracked me up. Hubby said it was way trashed inside, I didn't go look. They kill me. Yup, Ghetto RV, $400 in knives, $300 Trikke8 and hold on to your seats, they went and bought a big screen tv. Yet, I am supposed to be okay with having to draw names for Christmas cause they have no money? Someone please figure out a way I can just have Christmas Eve with the Cat sister in law and brother in law, my dad & stepmom & my kids & Hubby. If not Santa will need to drop off some serious Prozac a day early.

I have purchased 4 Christmas gifts to date. All for my children cause they matter the most. Spoiled brats! :) No make that 5, I forgot I got something odd for my dad too, he is a little odd so it'll work. He is very hard to buy for so when I seen something I think he'd get a kick out of, I buy it. This spending is justified in my not~spending~quest. That way it doesn't all bite me in the bottom in December and December's bonus can pay off bills instead of paying off Christmas.

Yeah, right. I mean it. Really I do. Somehow I also need to save some cash for the trip to Boston too. Damn. I hate money. Ok, I really hate not having an enormous amount of money to disperse as I see fit! Then again who doesn't....

Day 3 of Preschool, Cry or Not cry, that is the question.