~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Friday, October 31

Halloween should ALWAYS be a school day!

What a long morning this has been. 4 kids, all filled with Halloween energy. My house has been torn to shreds. I was online paying the awful bills and from the living room I hear "Grandma's here!" Now I am sure in a normal life that would be followed by a sigh of relief thinking of it as reinforcements. My mom is in no way "backup". I hear as she walks in the kitchen "Annie, Your house is a mess!" Well thanks mom, did you notice all the children running amuck in this place? We visited, she left.

Now as I wait for the curling iron to heat in a feeble attempt at looking human (gee, you should have heard the chaos when I ran to shower) I had to put up a baby gate to keep them away from the bathroom. I am stressing about my pending lunch date with my dad & stepmom. I should call her stepmonster today, for she was born on Halloween. Hmm, that may explain more than I think. She is nice, just a little .......off. So a Prozac cocktail pf my own would be helpful before I venture with all these heathens to eat lunch in public. Not sure on feeding the new one spaghetti, so I will make him a lunch for there. I believe I shall get off here and feed the Princess hers before we go, nothing worse than cold Beer Cheese Spaghetti! Oh Yum, I just realized (tummy grumble..grumble) that at no point have I fed anyone. OH MY GOD! ok, noticing that all the cookies I baked yesterday are gone, my kids must have fed themselves.

Yeah, so take away the mother of the year award again!

Hey! My baby was on the news this morning! 7 months old! Woo Hoo, I taped it. Gimme back my award!

Wednesday, October 29

Look! Technically 2 posts!

I have updated some photos on the Moblog....

2 weeks to go! Woo Hoo!

It's almost time for my New England vacation! Which to my delight will include a fabo trip to KitteryOutlet in Maine, some bundled up in parkas ocean viewing and major baby bonding. Prince Charming lives in the birthland of Johnny Appleseed (go check your history books) and I can't wait to meet his cute little blond self (no, not Mr. Appleseed). The packing (ok, repacking, needed larger suitcase so I can bring home goodies!) has begun! Yippee Yippee Yippee

Why does Hubby's boss keep making plans for him the days he is to be home while I am out of town? First he tried to send him out of town. No go. And now I must arrange for someone to pick YoungOne up from school the day I leave because The Bossman has "invited" some guests into our fair notsoMetropolis and Hubby just HAS to go in for at least half the day. Come on y'all, I NEVER GO ANYWHERE. Why must we cause me stress and worry and undo anxiety.

And I still have not figured out what darling Hubby has instore for our birthday outing. He just keeps pokin fun cause I am having a birthday month. Not really, just 2 weeks! One drinking, one not.

Why is my son playing with tools? Damn Hubby, didn't put away his toys. Gotta go.

Monday, October 27

Gluten for punishment?

I have decided to broaden my child realm. NO, not birthin no mo babies. I have started watching the most adorable 16 month old boy! His mom works with a friend of mine. She was taking him to a center clear up North, she lives about 5 minutes from me. Thus, my friend knowing I could use some extra cash suggested me, of course after promising me this was not some neurotic pyscho. So, we emailed for the last week or so and then met last night. I felt so good, he cried cause he didn't want to leave he was having so much fun! Now, as I type, I have 3 happy munchins playing on the kitchen floor. Well ok, YoungOne has a screwdriver trying to dismantle his PowerWheels, but hey, there are 2 of those. Finally a bonus to spoiled children! Having 2 of everything fun means relatively easy sharing.....As easy as can be expected at least.....and with a minivan I am not stranded at home with them!

Scariest thing? My house is clean. Well dishes need to be done from last nights late dinner and there are toys about, but still actually clean. Quick find me some wood to knock on.

Well enough mommy babble for now! Oh wait, my Princess has 2 teeth about to pop thru! You can see them just under the skin! And did I mention she crawls? Where is the time going!

Friday, October 24


The boys are off to visit the Griswierdian inlaws this weekend. Gun locks have been purchased for the currently (not sure why) dismantled firearms. I still think I will dress them in safety orange. Glad they are dismantled, not caring why, since I still think they were a dumb purchase to start with. Especially in light of the newly released 15 minutes into the lives of practice killing from the Columbine duo. I am truely not feeling as though my boys need to go for this visit, but Hubby is usually against them ever visiting and this time he okay'd it. SO.....we shall see. The Princess was also requested, but as we all know, she loves her mommy way to much to go away.

Snowing in my vacation destination. Why oh why did she have to meet, fall in love with and marry a New Englander.....Brr, makes me shiver just thinking about packing.

Speaking of cold, we are stamping Christmas cards tomorrow! WooHoo. That means we are doing this with the intention of actually sending them? Instead of hording our handy work. Hmm. Good thing my list is short.

Well Princess Pee the Pants seems to be beconing! Cause YoungOne is shouting "MOM" over the voices of his beloved Boots & Dora.....Gotta love those big brown eyes....The YoungOne, not Dora!

Wednesday, October 22

CURTIS! Is it dead yet?

I broke down and bought additional kill the critter bait, as the expensive pro stuff is in sealed containters and can't notice its consumption (well, other than one of the bait things has been dragged up partly under the wall behind the washer~old house give me a break) EEW! Anyway, some has been consumed. This being day 9 after the pros came and I still saw the thing yesterday. Hubby has never seen it, I explained to him, it's cause it is not out to scare the piss out of him. Just me. I do this stomp down the stairs thing, kick the furnace vent thingy and shove a laundry basket at the dryer~all in the attempt to let it know I am there and to remain hiding. Ok, stop laughing and read the rest....I change out the laundry, turn around to take it upstairs and then the booger decides to run to his hiding place and scare the crap out of me. Can't he understand, we have an arrangement until he is deceased, I DON'T WANT TO SEE HIM or any of his pals. Ick. Anyway, no mousey (oh yeah, not rat, little mousie) sightings tonight.

Well, it is almost officially official. I now own my you are 30 years old driver's license, though worse than the concept that shortly I will be 30 is the even worse notion that by the time it expires, I will be 35. My children will be 5, 8 and almost 15. God help me. I will be taking my firstborn for his learner's permit when I have to renew again. This indeed brings tears to my eyes.

Life pending 30 is not bad, honest, despite being broke (and trying to figure out how to have a good time on vacation with little funds) life here in DerangedVille is on the high side. Wishin and hopin, dreamin and scheming....Hmm, that wasn't how the song went. Oh well.

Better end this post before Netzero thinks I went to bed logged on still and dumps my ass!

Tuesday, October 21


Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,
The good fortune to run into the people I do like,
The eyesight to tell the difference!

Got new specs over the weekend. Haven't worn glasses in a decade at least, so far the world still looks pretty good!~But I like my contacts better!

Monday, October 20

Mission Accomplished

I am once again pretty damn up to date on the Princess Chronicles (aka her scrapbook). I was reassured that just because I lay in bed at night thinking about her pages, this does not qualify as mental illness, purely my ownly quiet time. Friends are good.

Trapped at home waiting for the mailman to bring one's box o' checks is not a good time. Not that there is really money in the bank to fret over writing checks with. But still, need them checks. There are giant trash bags & milk to buy damnit!

And in case you wanted to know....apple crisp and ice cream make a dandy breakfast!

Thursday, October 16

Put On Your Big Girl Pants and Get On With It.

I saw that on a shirt today. Sums life up I'd say. Life is too short to waste it worrying about piddly crap and what everyone else thinks or is doing.

And on that note, I still haven't got to play with my scrapbook, I mean Princess's scrapbook. I have some cutey black & whites and ......There is a fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness." Must be similar to the one between love & hate. That one is damn near fishing line at times.

Allow me not to dilly dally in my posting so I don't get booted from LoserZero. Cheap is nice as long as it doesn't become inconvient.

Partook (yea, I made that spelling up) in some much needed Target therapy (I believe that reasoning was eaten in the absent post) I was in search of Princess Thunder Thighs some pants. So far 1 pair of jeans she owns fit. It's the thighs man and just like me, someday she will hold her mother responsible for this genetic horrid act of evil. Unless, she can manage to break 5 ft 4 and then maybe just maybe she will be ok. Anyway, this clothing saga is making vacation preparations more complex. Had to go buy her a little hat today too, it was cold but by the time I found an appealing (once the stupid fuzz ball on top was removed) hat it was no longer necessary for today. Really, just preparing for Boston in November. Yes, I know, what kind of moron goes EAST in the winter? One who just wants to get the hell away from home and who's spoiled self's birthday is in such a coldass month. Brr. I turned the furnace back on tonight too, though supposed to be in the 80's this weekend. Can anyone else say (other than the pollsters) NEBRASKA SUCKS!

Slippers today. Shorts on Saturday. Blink! A Blizzard by nightfall Sunday. Just Kidding with ya, Mother Nature!

Tuesday, October 14

I hate Netzero. I had super post and it booted me and it's gone. I typed. I was funny. And poof, your dial up connection has been terminated. It was so long a post it thought I left the connection on and disappeared. Bastards. Maybe I will redo it. But not now, i am tired and mad. It started out, the mouse is MIA still.

Friday, October 10

No rodent noise yet, where the hell did he go? Eek.

Well I managed the quickest (& jumpiest) shower I think I have ever taken this morning. The "pest" people will be here Monday afternoon. Yes, Monday. While I was out & about a cute kittie kept trying to get in my van. Perhaps he/she was trying to help me! But, didn't want to risk nice kittie having fleas & mites to add to my vermin woes. All is quiet today, so perhaps "it" went back outside to play, but it's probably just resting its very incisors. Ick. No more talk of such.

Pottery Barn opens here in the Big "O" today. I am resisting all temptation to go. I love Pottery Barn Kids. I will go eventually, because I feel the need for the Princess to own an obnoxiously pink Christmas stocking and I know they will have one. My Mom told me about the opening (which I saw on the news already), I said I don't have money to go there, she says, "well, I haven't cashed your check yet!" Gee thanks Mom, but I do have more scruples than to go shop at the Pottery Barn when I really need to grocery shop instead. But the ability to float til Wednesday is very helpful knowledge. Gotta love the Mom landlord (except for rodent removal & fridge repair) at least she advises me of when she intends to go to the bank, just in case!

Remember the creamed chicken/turkey over mashed taters from grade school? I want some, but not eating it at school. Recipes.com here I come.

Thursday, October 9

Please God Help Me

There is something I know is unpleasant scratching (knawing?) behind the wall in my basement bathroom. I am so creaped out, I want to throw up. Last winter we had a couple mice, they didn't make such a noise. They ate poison and died, all good. It's not even cold out yet damnit. Hubby heard it when he was getting ready to shower earlier. Hmm. Baths upstairs for me it is. I made Hubby come down stairs with me when I changed out the laundry. He is in bed now. I went down to do another load, yup I still hear it. Gag. Hubby better find someone to come out asap or I will seriously freak the f**k out. Not far to go at all at this point. I don't want to know how long it takes to chew thru a wall. Orkin, Terminix get 'em all. MY MOM'S (aka, owner of this home) advice: set some traps. NO F*'in way, for that sucker to get trapped means he needs to come out of the wall. No, someone come kill it in the wall. Hermetically seal my home so no further little beasties will feel welcome. Can I have my cricket infestation back, not so bad afterall really.........

Wednesday, October 8

An interesting business concept.

To my delight I have discovered Baby's Away. Apparently I can "rent" a carseat for my use in Boston. They will deliver it to the airport (I am assuming I read correctly) and pick it back up from there when I am done. How rockin is that! Getting excited all over again about me & Princess's little vacation. There will be NO ocean effect 12 foot snow storms on the East coast until we return home thank you Mother Nature.......

How is it children never tire? & Marshmallows are not a food group!

I am exhausted. I live this way. I am a firm believer that for all the joy your children bring you~they sure as hell suck 3 times as much energy from you. Here it is after 10, my YoungOne is still going full blast. Sure he has "pretended" he was going to bed several times. Only to come down stairs in one of my Tweety slippers & one of OlderOne's Scooby slippers. All I could do was laugh. Oh yeah, he had Tigger socks underneath them too. Undies & mismatched slippers, damn I missed a great digital moment! Now, as I type, he is sitting on the kitchen floor "reading" the phone book upside down. He claimed himself to be a Dr. earlier. Hubby was trying to get him to say his full name. He said his name is Dr. Hillie. I thought Hubby was going to cry with pride. It was very endearing. Now Go To Bed Damnit!

Not a whole lot to blog about. The Princess & I get most of Friday to ourselves as Hubby is taking a half day and taking the boys fishing. He wanted the whole day but has someone coming in for a meeting or something. What to do, what to do. Hey at least she sleeps!

I have scrapbookitis again. I tried to go find some new papers to play with cause I found a bunch of layouts I want to play with. Got a little stressed at Hobby Lobby today and left my cart there in the checkout line. It was all good, had to get home to be lost on AMC by noon anyway. Maybe I shall try again tomorrow while YoungOne is at school (which he doesn't cry about anymore~who say's Reese's PB cups can't buy peace!) or perhaps on Friday. WoW, what an exciting life! Home almost alone and my greatest thought is scrapbook paper shopping. Yeah, I know your jealous and so want to be me. I need to go develop some digies too, hold on to your hat! WooHoo!

I think something is wrong with me, I have this tiny twitch in my eye lately. WebMD help me? Old age breeds hypacondriacs right?

Tuesday, October 7

30 til 30~Tick Tock Tick Tock

The days of my youth are quickly passing. This to do before it's over:

~Change diapers
~Clean the house
~Drive the minivan
~Stress over finances
~Join (& look forward to) a stamp group

Welp.......What did you expect? Drink? Chase after loose men? Hey that was an oxymoron! Loose men! I crack myself up! Well this was a quick post before the power police come to fix a pole. What would you do with no electricity? After I gather YoungOne from school we are off to the park & lunch with Gramps!

Miss Me!

Monday, October 6

Okay. I have taken hive pictures~I haven't posted them though!

Perhaps a new title~Confessions of a blog slacker.

Busy doing nothing me. Last week was alot of running to and fro.

My Princess has hives and you'll be happy to know I have NOT taken a picture and posted it. She looks miserable. Acts normal though, with the exception of the Benedryl coma's she goes into. That stuff kicks her little spotted hiney. Not sure what caused said hives. Sister in Law brought over a pumpkin for each kid and well, Daddy did set it on her lap...maybe there was something on the pumpkin. Does one use pesticide on pumpkins? Maybe there was something on the carpet? Hard to use that one, had just cleaned and vacuumed. She tried pears on Saturday, is anyone on the planet allergic to pears? Sooooooo very hard to pinpoint.

No school today. No hearing from me tomorrow. The power company is changing a pole, so we are in the dark ages all day tomorrow. How long can my fridge & freezer be powerless without losing the goods? Good news, tomorrow night is stamp group.
Oh how I love thee.....

Wednesday, October 1

Happy Half-Birthday to my Princess!

Today she is 6 months old. Where has the time gone? It's flown by let me tell you!