~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Tuesday, March 15

For all those silly emails I NEVER respond too.

I AM: My kid's mommie
I HAVE: A good life.
I WISH: I could be a neat freak.
I HATE: That I don't always appreciate my good life.
I FEAR: Losing someone I love.
I WONDER: what my life would've been like sometimes.
I REGRET: Not having more time to myself.
I LOVE: My husband and my kids and my dog.
I ALWAYS: Need a nap.
I AM NOT: Having any more babies.
I DANCE: Really bad
I SING: In the car, also probably badly
I CRY: Alot lately, tv shows, movies, books, driving.


CURRENT HAIR COLOR:brown with too much gray
EYE COLOR: brown with no gray
CHILDREN: duh, you read this? 3
DAY: Friday (when it's just me & my Princess)
MONTH: April (not too hot, not too cold)
SEASON: Spring
ICE CREAM: Strawberry
SONG: Love will keep us together by Captain & Tenille
FLOWER: pink roses
DRINK: cranberry & absolute (soon to be replaced by Big Apple Rum & 7Up)

Monday, March 14

Has anyone seen my HEAD?

I know it used to set upon my shoulders, but it's missing.

After 3 weeks with the lost cell phone, it magically appears under the fridge. Only to be put thru the f'n washing machine today. No, I am not smart enough to have insurance on it or I woulda got a new one when it started having kid drool defects.

I give up. Yet again. On trying to survive the day.

Oh yeah, Princess SuperModel's pictures are too melt your heart. She looks so sweet & innocent. If I ever actually find my brain & my scanner, maybe ya'll can see them.

Off to the funny farm, the nut hut, wacko ward, the looney bin better known as the room where the kids are playing.

Friday, March 11

Just Dooooooooooo It!

Wow, is it March already? Time flies without a life! I have mixed feelings on March, thrilled cause it means SPRING yet it's a rerun of February. Same day same date kinda thing, and when you mix that with doing the same things on the same days on the same dates, you get something really stupid to blog about.

I have discovered it's time consuming to have to online movie lists. Hubby signed up for the Block Bluster one. Which will probably win out in the end cause it gives you 2 in store game or movie rentals each month. End of unpaid advertisement.

Aay Frankie! I need another beer. And breakfast. None of those oatmeal cookie shots though. As usual, I was thankful ( & exhausted) from a much overdue night out with the girlies. Hubby didn't seem as impressed with my meeting of the pizza man as I thought. Maybe cause it was after midnight and he was only half asleep. Maybe I won't mention that the pizza man knows about p'n in hampers (not Pampers) but in retrospect much better than vents. Though in my house, that would have been impressive since it's on the top of the wall!

Well, knock on wood, The Princess' has no injuries, her nails are painted and other than a cough that could make you fall over she could actually make it to get pictures done today. Assuming she lets me do her hair, I may actually get an unscathed photo of the almost 2 year old drama beauty queen.