~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Saturday, November 27

2 hours & a half bottle of wine

God why do I have to come home! Not quite Charlie Brown, but a good time none the less! Damn many flavors of cinnamon jelly beans. Damn wine headache. Damn rain. Damn home & responsibilities. Yeah! Friends! Yeah! That same damn wine! Yeah! At least it wasn't snow!

Today I sit and wait for the boys to leave again. The Princess is far less onry without her mentors. Maybe a little Christmas shopping, very little as in I only have a spare (not really) $40. But Hubby says the things YoungOne desires at Wally Weird are cheap. So ...I guess I can knock that out.

6 days til Lobsta & free drinks! Yippeee! I have no clue what I am gunna wear this year.

About 18 days til bonus check....minus snowblower and overpriced coat for Hubby.

Maybe I can forgo the desire to catch up on bills for a maid and a carpet cleaning.

Could someone please turn me into those crazy English ladies? I need them. No, not as bad as the houses on their shows. BUT...and that crazy Nanny show....and to Clean Sweep...and to Trading Spaces....and to ...Pottery Barn so they can take pitty on my house/furnishings/lack of decor and spruce me up once it's all clean.....

See still not missing much in my life even with lack of postings!

3 Saturdays left until Christmas! Oh crap.

Wednesday, November 24

Dead Turkey Day

You Are the Cranberry Sauce

A little sweet, a little sour - you've got the flava!
Though, you do tend to squish in people's mouths...

Monday, November 8

A day off shall never come

I should just accept it. In my life, no days off, burnt mac & cheese along side technically burnt cookies. That's me.

I was blessed with a purse party & can hardly wait until December for the next. Yea, can you see my whole budgeting thing went out the window before it ever got started! I am so swearing off Wal*ly World. I realize I am the typical family of 5 there with my weekly $100+ contributions. But my checkbook says it must stop. It leaves me no fun purse money damnit! Tomorrow I must go there to pick up Hubby's prescription, but that's all they're gettin' from me. My copay & I am running out of there.

Yea, I know, good luck with that one. Really, I can do it. Cause I am giving the unspent funds to Sam. Yes, I know same thing. BUT Sam & Wally are the death of me and my lack of selfcontrol. I know I am not alone with this, I have read other blogs in other states.

My 31 resolutions are coming. Yep, wally & sam are on there (under control spending/get outta debt) The list is slow going, as I am not one to give up. Well give up on anything fun.

Time for Trading Spouses. I have only watched that one a couple times. $50000. wow. pick me. pick me. pick me.

Friday, November 5

As 30 draws to a close....

My tummy ache has finally stopped. Thanks so much to Froggy & Nutti for the all you can stand shrimpie fest. Older One enjoyed his leftovers for dinner tonight.

So far I smell good. I got my Ralphie's Romance (which I naughtily took back to a store that sounds very similar to my last name and exchanged the "set" (you know the bath gel & lotion & perfume...)for a single bottle AND my Delicious Be Delicious. OK, I did have to fork out a few $ for the difference but still beats havin stuff you won't ever use hanging out in the bathroom closet. And my Ava got me some yummies from Bath & Body Works but I haven't figured out which scent I will replace them with cause she shops so well she picked some I already enjoy. Oh and I got some lever back blue topaz earrings from the step mommie. Not a big blue person, but I shall find something to pull them off with cause they are too big for the Princess. to wear! AND, while Princess and I were jetting about Council Tuckey this evening, Hubby & the boys went shopping. YoungOne has a big mouth so I know what they picked generally speaking, the sad part was Hubby overheard YoungOne spilling the perverbial beans to me...But hell I am surprised that they went shopping in the first place!

I have explained many times to Hubby the only way "young men" learn to be thoughtful (rememberful?) is by example. It has been set in stone that a card must be made (bought is acceptable too) for all "special" days and whomever it is not for is in charge of that. He understands this. It took a birthday where I did not make or buy a card, gift or even a cake. I did not have the kiddo's do it either. I felt horrible, but I couldn't get him to grasp it before that. His father did not do this. His mother didn't either...(Poor kid, had to choose between a gift or out to dinner for HIS birthday). My inlaws suck. I wasn't aware of this before I married. I wish I could have warned my newest SIL. BUT I am sure that will all pan out differently than for me. I am difficult and picky. Hmm, stuck up and spoiled too. The tradition continues, Have you met my kids? HAHAHA.

Where the hell was I going with this? WHY must it be warm out tomorrow? Normally this would please me like no other, but I had a frilly ensemble prepared for the Princess's trip thru the Hell On Earth I call the Inlaws of Grizwierdian. Now I must find something "lighter" yet no less pretentious. God, I truelly am an awful person.
YoungOne, well I merely hope to get him clothed in something CLEAN that FITS. OlderOne, he is easy. I love him. Go get dressed in something that "matches" and POOF it happens. Well most of the time! They are all jazzed cause they are going to ChunkyChez tomorrow night. I love my cousins! Anything to stay outta that place!

Well this post is so long, Netzero things I have disappeared! So thanks again to my gals for a great time last night, sorry I am old & bar lost. I will try to be more bar savvy in the future, good thing I have a great set of tutors!

Tuesday, November 2

This confirms it...and stay tuned for how to BURN mac & cheese for those you love!

My big girl! Wonder what the hell she is thinking there? Posted by Hello

Princess as a Ballerina complete with PINK pail! I need professional help! Posted by Hello

Where's that Candy? Posted by Hello

Eewwwww. Punkin Guts. Posted by Hello

3 little Pumpkins.... Posted by Hello

My Happy Candy Hunters! Posted by Hello

Since New Year's Flopped

With old age looming I have decided to create 31 Resolutions. Since I have no brain at this time suggestions are accepted. We shall see what I have dreamed up between now and the weekend.

We survived Halloween! As you can see I even posted some pictures! Resolution #31 Take more pictures of my kids! (and scrap them too!) We shall see if that makes the real list or not.

I wish I had some new pots and pans. My Tfal is all jacked up. And why won't Capt Former Undies eat mac & cheese that is NOT a character. I refuse to go back to the store for more. He has so far this week consumed, Oddparents, Scooby & Spongebob.

OMG, what a boring blog. I'll be back when I can be entertaining.