~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Tuesday, May 25


Well your Happy, yes thats right your so happy, so
pretty and witty and if i go on any more i will
have to pay for the rights of this song so,
great job your one of the lucky ones.

What Emotion Dominates you?
brought to you by Quizilla

What a waste of a day! I haven't done squat. Well, a boring trip to Sam's for cheese slices, milk and chicken. See even the grocery list was boring!

I should be laundering or something. Yet I find myself counting the minutes until baseball practice tonight. Ahh peace & quiet.

My keyboard is filthy. Eew. Curse of kids in the kitchen I suppose. I need to find a diet Cherry Pepsi other than that the "cravings" really aren't a big deal anymore. Success? We shall see.

Monday, May 24

Oh So Cold!

Brr! What month is this? Stupid storms. Sick of wind. Brr. Brr. Brr. I am stockpiling those for next month when I am whining about sweat.

Let's see....Yesterday's birthday party cleared up a lot of my concern about Iowa drivers. Apparently, one only has to take the actual driving in a car test if one's birthday is unfortunate enough to fall on one of the 3 days a month they pick to do said test. Not moronic enough for you? You don't even have to play the chance game, one can call and find out what the dates are! OMG! Yes folks, stay off the sidewalks. The infamous SIL son (hubby's nephew) the one I fume over with the whole education system and the driving and any other pet peeves and safety concerns..has turned 16..and of course with the helpful "read the test to me" old lady in Atlantic Ia, he has allegedly passed. I am very afraid. Afraid, that he will hurt himself. Afraid, he will hurt someone else. Afraid of the riff this driving thing will cause with SIL & myself when I flat out state that MY kids are NEVER to be in a car while he is driving.

Has anyone figured out whom I can file a complaint with? No not that my SIL is confused cause one second her son is dumb and in special ed (for no other reason than they are both too lazy to put forth the effort necessary to succeed in school) But for the state of Iowa to allow this horrid thing to occur. I have nothing against special ed or the handicapped/disabled/mentally challenged or anything else. BUT, when someone has to READ the test to someone, that should be a serious warning sign, that this person is not responsible & or bright enough to be put behind the wheel. Oh, did I mention they are also going to read him his motorcycle test? See what I mean, double standards where SIL is concerned. Is he slow or not dear SIL? I agree on the not, but also KNOW his is not responsible enough for such a serious privledge.

Ok....I am done. I pray to God, nothing bad happens. Hmm. A letter to State Farm? (Hey Froggie, next time your premiums go up, it's cause they are willing to insure him.)

Let's see, my dumpster arrives Thursday for the Deranged CleanSweep. School is over for my YoungOne. OlderOne is done on Friday. All my loose siding (f'n wind!) has been resecured. I have nothing to wear to my cousin's high school graduation. Oh & South Beach is actually not bad even with some Dorito & cake indiscretion yesterday, still down 10 pounds by Day #8! Woo Hoo. Imagine if my lazy ass would exercise!

Friday, May 14

Oh the Land of

Not much flyin in the land of baby Goldfish crackers. House is in good shape, don't feel like doin laundry. Offspring is all napped and cheerful. Wishin the seasons would balance out already, squeezed the gal into a pair of jeans that have resulted in all day baby butt crack. Like you wanted to know. Just haven't felt the need to take them off as it's a lazy day here.

Shortly I will need to clean myself up for a date with my OlderOne. He is unaware of our date night. Boy he will be jazzed when I take him to candleland! WooHoo, party on Mom. Then we shall grab some preSOBE carbs for dinner and hit a bit of sandal shoppin for his big o' feet! Hmm maybe a Target or Old Navy fix for me too. Depends on candle spendin I suppose!

Apparently my YoungOne has had his first rememberable dream. He has talked nonstop about some monster with Daddy's blanket hiding behind the dishwasher who broke a little piece off the ceiling fan. Who is he mom? How do I know? Where did he go? How do I know?

He ask questions nonstop anyway, but these are crazy cause I can't get him to understand it wasn't real. Oh, the trials & tribulations of Mommydom. Jealous aren't ya!

So boring weekend ahead, nada thing planned. Who wants to be me? Applicants accepted from far away warm climates only, cause we are swapping lives for the weekend!

Thursday, May 13

Friends for Smudgie

Ok, 3 posts in 1 day. I need a break. Dolls, kids, paper eating. Why does my daughter insist on eating paper. Reciepts, bills, envelopes. Perhaps the Reese's were a better option nutritionally.
Bleach pen has apparently failed me. I tried a brief set, now it's on for the long haul. Here's hopin baby Cabbage Patch doesn't turn any further into a Garbage Pail kid (remember those?) If it eats holes, it's going to the trash. Sorry baby. Just thought you'd like to know.

Things to DO

Must fill out registration for next school year's preschool.
Must buy bleach pen to try to cure skin condition developed by Cabbage Patch doll.
Must ... hmm, guess not so bad afterall.

I don't think babies are supposed to eat Reese's pb cups. Girlie has discovered one of YoungOnes lost (ok, left on table & she got up on a chair to get it) ones. Well if she develops a peanut allergy, at least she had some enjoyment on the experience. Though I am sure that there isn't enough real peanut in one to count. I wish she'd have taken the paper off at least first. Ick.

It's absofrigginlutasillilly cold here today. OMG. Yes I know I will complain about the overwhelming heat here next month, but 40's in May are foul!

And about American Idol, I had never watched this before last night, but perhaps they should consider making the votes toll calls to encourage a more rational consideration than the concept of let's vote off the "old" people who seem to have talent for a non-on-key singin cutey girl/guy. I just don't get how this show has lasted. Make them eat bugs or something at least.

Well, pb to clean up, forms to fill out and checks to be written. Thank God tomorrow is payday, sucks that I'll have spent it before then!

Wednesday, May 12

Well I am all messed up...

You are not European
You are not European.

What's your Inner European?
brought to you by Quizilla

Thanks Great Froggie One, I think.

Blogger for Dopes

Wow. They have just about thought of everything. Well, except for how to post your thoughts for you. I think I am done messing around. I may go in and change that pink. I love me some pink, but that is not my level of it.

Rain if your gunna damnit. It looks like it's gunna pour. I watered my plants anyway, just a little. In case it really doesn't rain. I have so much cleaning to do, example, while innocently playing here, my Girlie has proceeded to dump a box of envelopes. Crap forgot to sign the field trip form, it came down with the envelopes. Sorry OlderOne. I promise to give it to you when you get home.

Not much going on here lately so nobody's missing out on anything. Hubby & I are starting SOBE diet next week. Oh fruit how I will miss thee for 2 weeks (longer if this actually works.....) Goodbye white bad yummy carbs....Adios soda cause diet sucks and I'd rather not drink any if it's not the real thing. SO much bad food to consume this week! Mmm. Taco Bell.... Cool Ranch Doritos....

Tuesday, May 11

I want a new look too. every time I change something I tend to screw up my blog. Remember last time......

Saturday, May 1

I am no hustler!

What a fulfilling weekend, oh but wait there is still Sunday left!

Friday evening I drank a few too many beers and had a laugh riot goodtime! I fessed up to my antics to Hubby, who assured me, I still do suck at darts. See I told you so.

Tonight consisted of letting Hubby have a good time, which in his easy to pleaseness, consisted of a giant lobster tail and several martini's. Good thing I had my libations Friday. It was fun, I love to see him induldge himself, he rarely ever does anything just for him. The tail, ribs and beer are his only vices, I am a lucky, lucky girl.

Has everyone tried strawberry banana Cheerios! Oh my, I feel as though I have been missing something ignoring them for so long. They rock and that was dry outta the box (Princess was sharing with me.)

Well, handsome hottie Greek fence man is done. I know have my own personal Alcatraz, Kidatraz perhaps, as there are slots on the deck for driveway viewing and the chainlink gate to peer through on the other side. I am so happy, now to "lock" the gate, the wood one should be ok, as it is pretty stinkin tall. Ok, at least once I get that dumpster to clean up all possible escape toys! Just kidding. Now I want to get Hubby excited over creating a "mudroom" off the kitchen. And I want a Roomba, the self vaccuming thingy. Trust me, the kiddies would where out his batteries daily! Wonder if I won that damn lottery yet. Nope, didn't play.

My house is very quiet without my boys. I miss them. Please remind me of this silence on Monday as OlderOne has the day off and then frequent reminders 4 weeks after that. Yup, school is almost over. That was tooooo fast.

Well life is good, good friends, good times, good food, great family! Oh, I do have goofy sister in law and the soon to be driving but not smart enough to .... nephew story but it can wait. I give up. I love them, but thank God they are not my blood relatives.