~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Sunday, August 29


Am I the only one who has a burning desire to write when the new shows (& the few old favorites) will start on the calendar? Yes, I know this is yet one more sign I have no life.

I try. I tried tonight. Made plans for the big Noelleino's beer dispensing debut. Of course it turned out to correspond with the "dart banquet". Now one would imagine something starting at 1:00 in the afternoon would leave an opening for "moi" to go out after 6. HA. That is only if one's darling spouse were home by then, moderately sober & willing to stay awake to watch the community property (aka: the kids & pup). None of which transpired of course. Toppers being, I gave up $20 for him to go and get $11? That's dumb. Ok, well everyone gets $11, cept me. And gee, me the loving wife gets to live thru this all again next weekend for some friggin weekend tournament, 3 days on Labor Day weekend. Thanks Alot Dart Organizing Morons.

My house is in total shambles. I was in bow therapy. Unsuccessful as it may have been (the therapy, not the bows.) Perhaps had I not had 3 kids & a dog..........

And why (after several reminders during the week) does my older one wait until this evening to "remember he forgot" to bring down his dirty clothes. Hence, only remembering when I asked him what he intended to wear tomorrow (cause I knew the clothes had not yet been brought down). So here I sit at 9:45 on Sunday evening washing, drying & folding his clothes. My mother would have told me I was "shit outta luck". Lucky for him, I try not to be my mother. Often.

I have more "and why's" but I shall refrain from boring everyone to tears with my homemade mysteries.

Thursday, August 26

New Entertainment!

Ok, I can't really recall which blog I was perusing but I linked on this one! He is an at home dad who paints little girl finger nails! And sorts thru toys AND knows what belongs to which toy ... He must be worth a zillion dollars in married land! He is my new favorite read. Sorry everyone else! (Just kidding) Just another sign I need a life!

My puppy is asleep in a laundry basket. I should take a picture, but the camera is on the table near her, thus she'd wake up, thus, point would be ruined. I think she was trying to jump off the couch to come in here with me and didn't know/understand that was a basket. I love her. SO MUCH. I will get new pics on soon.

IT'S ALMOST FRIDAY! woohoo! Time almost alone! Actually Princess & I roamed around WalWierd this evening alone. It was nice, we looked at clothes and no body rolled their eyes!

God, I want my van back. God, thank you for delaying said van though since I really hadn't wanted to fork over the deductible yet. Payday is Tuesday. Much better.

Ha. I feel so safe in this state. I know a city crime lab technician and a soon to be criminalist with the state patrol! (Fingers & toes crossed!) Road trips to Ole's in Paxton already being planned! Watch out giant taxidermied animals here we come!

Off to nighty night long day ahead, puppy shots, preschool & quality Princess napping to be planned!

Tuesday, August 24

Places/Things I miss

You know I really miss the Warner Bros store. Where else can bring such joy & shopping! It's not fair. I got the Princess a Tweety hair bow and she has nothing to wear with it. I LOVE that bird. Damn you AOL/Time Warner for lessening my mall love.

I also miss Fashion Find, ok, really I miss being able to fit in anything that they used to sell back in the day. Forenza is a jeans company, not a car. Thank you.

Jebb's Pub. Now is a resteraunt, a bank and a few too many other things. Poor Lake Forest residents no longer have a drunk muddy trek back to their apartments.

Dreamers....For all the wrong reasons. Yes, I know their furnishings are available to visit at another lounge.

Peony Park.....For all the fun & trouble. For Sprite Nite. For Froggy's Grandma's company picnic. For all the lost innocence.

The way Westroads used to be, open walkway up on top, a chapel, the Revolving Door Lounge in the lowest level. Stupid arcade thing now.....Never got to experience that joy.

Showbiz Pizza....Hmm, same as Peony Park. For all the fun & trouble gotten into.

Indian Hills Theatre.....I sense a nostalgic trend of fun & trouble here.

Hotel parties, as grown ups we don't have a reason for these anymore and it kinda sucks. No sinks to overflow, no towel bars to break.

Parties in general when "the parents" are away. Oooops, I am the parent now. Perhaps I should get rid of that one.

Sneaking out. Maybe I can try that one again. Need somewhere to go though.

Bad boys...(see peony park, indian hills, dreamers......) Not really, but I miss the thrill of bad boys I guess is more acurate.

Cruising Dodge with the Frog in the Buick listening to rap music. Sick. Sick. Sick.

Off the path...BUT only having to pick up after MYSELF (or not as the case may have been)

This should spark some interesting sleep thoughts of the old subconcious huh!

Hey Frog, Thanks for being there for alot of those! You are the best.

Monday, August 23


My List: (I am outta creativity, I stole the general thought!)

Things I am EVER SO GREATFUL for today:

*The first day of preschool
*Monday, Wednesday & Friday preschool
*Afternoon Preschool!
*The notion of Friday lunch dates
*The knowledge that Wednesday will soon come

Things I am not looking forward to today:

*Green Hulk icees @ Target
*Target'ing with no cashola

Well I never claimed to have an exciting life now did I?

Soon I will have a resemblance of sanity. Friday's I will have 3 hours almost to myself. The Princess will of course be here, but no one else.

Hmm...In other boringness, I found a website that will give me inspiration on where to begin! FlyLady.net, Your personal online coach to help you gain contol of your house & home! We shall see about that. If anyone can test something & fail, it's my house!

Thursday, August 19


I went nowhere. Well we did all Suburban it out to pick up SIL from the other side of town cause she took Nephew's (the one left for me to "borrow") car for some repairs. Come to find out the dohickey that makes the front tires work/stay on/whatever needed replaced. Glad I didn't drive it cause the weekend I had, you know it would have full on broke for me!

OlderOne left me to go "sell corn". Um, yeah. Can you count to 13? yes. WHY? Cause you get to spend 8 or 9 hours sitting on your butt hoping someone wants some corn so you can climb in the back of the truck and get it. All the while Grandma is figuring out how to scam you or get out of paying you your cut. "THEY" (the stupid in laws) sell 13 ears for $3.50, they get $1 of that and the farmer gets the rest. Hence they split evenly the profit for the day. I believe Grandma short changes them. She is shady like that and we know that Nephew probably doesn't realize it. Maybe OlderOne will go out with Gramps instead. Not sure if he is just as shady. I in no way believe this to be worth anyones time except maybe the farmers & the corn buyers. Oh, there are potatoes too I think.

Idiots Out Wandering Around Nowhere Specific.


Still needing to drop off that bill from the other day.
Not needing to buy gift for other child as Older One went without Young One so....
Hoping Old Navy has these at the store finally!
Hitting craft store in hopes of making Princess new barrettes other wise Von Maur here we come.

Wednesday, August 18


So I really want to read this book. It's on sale now. It wasn't the other day when I was gunna buy it. I read some reviews and people are surprised that it's good. Hello? What's not to like? A giant, oversized tabloid in bookform. Really how can I resist. Assuming the reviewers are also bored housewives looking to escape, not rocket scientists.

Day 5 of vanless. I am feeling it. Work allegedly was to begin today. Approximate time until happily back in my driveway...2 weeks give or take. Blah. It makes my tummy hurt.

Puppy potty training is going well. Like anyone really wanted to know. School shoe mission also accomplished thanks to Target. Target was not as helpful in the replace the carseat mission. One I kinda liked, but since I get reimbursed, I shall hunt on.

Hubby went out tonight and is going out Friday night. I can't complain, he really doesn't go out very often. And since I did ruin his last outing by wrecking the Mominit...I should not complain. I guess I am just a little jealous. So.

Thursday night! I am going somewhere! Any suggestions? Otherwise, I will end up at the bookstore for the aforementioned novel. Not so much fun there. I thought about doing something I have NEVER done, a movie alone. Dinner alone. I am not an alone person. Hence it must be a good thing I am married with children. Children disquise the fact that you are really talking to yourself. Granted before I had children, I didn't talk to myself.

My own Disease!

Doctor Unheimlich has diagnosed me with
Cause:a blow to the head
Symptoms:extremely dry eyes, grey skin, double-jointedness, chest pain
http://thesurrealist.co.uk/disease" method="get" style="margin:0px;">Enter your name, for your own diagnosis:

What shall we do today?

I think YoungOne is "afraid" of riding in the car. He doesn't want to leave the house today, well until Daddy is home and Daddy can drive. Gee, Love, Thanks for the confidence in the Momster.

I have accomplished barely anything. Some laundry and the normal potty performances.

Must do before Friday:

New shoes for OlderOne (he missed the great shoeing last week)
Buy some form of gift for 2 year old boy child I don't know.

School starts on Monday! Yippee! Yahoo! Hurray! Wednesday for Older One.

And how is it that ...I go to the grocery store all the time, but there is never anything to eat?

Tuesday, August 17

Well Duh


Why is it that babies go thru the frustrated period of time where they get pissed off cause that can't do anything? It is nutso. Though, being mad cause you can't quite roll over is better than being mad cause you rolled over and are stuck on your belly, which you hate. Hmm? Please take a nap instead of yelling about this inability. Thanks.

Why is it that when you want results quickly they take forever? Or at least it seems that way.

Why is it that I can't get anything done around here lately except for diapers and puppy potty trips?

Why is it that I still just desire to sleep for awhile, a long while?

Why is it that I have decided that I MUST leave when Hubby gets home today and he has decided that he must mow the lawn?

Why is it that as I type this HE tells me he needs to go take further pictures of the van for the Dept of Hwy Safety? Ok, I know why, cause the airbags didn't go off. Which is actually a good thing in this case, but they really should have.

Why is it that he feels he must go do this after work TODAY? (yes, because as I mentioned, I was looking to escape for awhile)

Why is it that I am still worried about what will happen next?

Why is it that I called the vet yesterday for more boog medicine and haven't gone to pick it up yet and pup's nose isn't really runny anymore? So I look like an idiot?

Why is it that I continue blogging when obviously I have so much other stuff I SHOULD be doing? Thank God I don't have a "real" job.....

Monday, August 16

Today's Mission:

To truck (ok...Suburban) off to a hobby store of sorts for some essential oils. Maybe some lively orange or peppermint something to alter the aura in my home. And a spray bottle. Then I will mist, mist, mist the day away. Oh, and must call/go to vet for more boogie medicine for Beautiful Bailey. Thankfully OlderOne is home again so I have an extra set of hands. Wow, four kids out in public. I have lost it!

Waiting for Hubby to call with the "knowledge" of Mr Cheeseman....aka our insurance guy (not his real name but damn close.) 15 years of insurance with the same people should count for something right? Yeah, I know probably not. I am kinda hoping the adjuster just totals out the Momminit. I love her and will happily buy her sister, Notcrashinit. Ha! I am a loon. I do not however want to have to repay the car taxes. Wonder how that would work. My guess is it's like trading it in and I would indeed have to do taxes again. Damnit.

Well time to call the vet! Love me later!

Sunday, August 15

Seeking Therapy

Blogger ate my post. Probably a good thing. Not a very exciting read.

My life is sucking ass. Van is wrecked. Thank you country of Mexico for allowing this to happen. Driver's licenses and insurance must not be required there. Or a brain. Or learning who has the right of way.

Waiting for our insurance to shit can us. Two accidents in less than a year.

Wish I could sleep life away for awhile. Apparently that luxury is only for Hubby. Yet I am not allowed to get mad about it? Ha. I am fuming. A 4 hour nap yesterday (yes, I did tell him he could nap while I went for shopping therapy w/Nuttie) Which was barely a 2 hour trip that I wasn't allowed to change my mind on taking the Princess with me. Which he couldn't put the puppy in the kennel correctly so she wouldn't potty in it. Which she did. Which he slept thru. Then got up and went to nap in the bed when I got home until I threw a fit. SO at 7 he finally got up and managed to make me feel like shit for being mad until 9 when he went BACK to bed and where he still remains. I can't remember the last time I had more than 12 hours of sleep or anything else to myself. I got up with the puppy in the night and in the morning and again later in the morning. I had to stay up and wait for my boys to be dropped off. I want to give up. Someone else take care of it all. I can go to work and have less stress.

See. Blogger ate my post for a reason. Oh but wait, it IS there. Oh well. I ranted in both.

Saturday, August 14

It's Official, I am depressed.

Shopping therapy was brief escape from my mood. Thanks Nuttie! I (well not soley) wrecked my beloved momminit van. Yes, again. This time with some help from a young Hispanic man with no insurance, no license, no proof of anything but his papers from Mexico, breathing and being an idiot. Allegedly not his truck, the "alleged" owner somehow miraculously just bought said truck that very day (hmm, address he gave for the "alleged owner" ...LINCOLN.) Anyone wanna discuss the COLORADO plates that were on this truck? Now I know I haven't bought alot of vehicles, but I am pretty sure I haven't let anyone DRIVE them without me in the same city, let alone the day I bought it, before I could insure it or anything. It's all bullshit and now I get screwed. Happy Friday the 13th.

SO now I sit and worry that our insurance will dump us. Cause this would be 2 accidents in less than a year. I want to hide in bed. But apparently that is a luxury only allowed to Hubby. Yet I am supposed to keep on a happy face and not be mad about it. I can't. I want to hide. I want to cry. I want a do over.

I want the dog to nap. I want the kids to nap. I want to get in my van and drive away.

I need a therapist. I need medication.

Sorry this post was dreadful. Pictures are taken but I can't bare to post them and look at them again. No one was hurt thank God. But it feels like the last straw has broken ME.

Tuesday, August 10

Home sweet home & all tuckered out. Thankfully bulldogs sleep alot. Cause if she ain't sleepin she's needing to potty.....Diapers vs. Extended waits outdoors..... Posted by Hello

Friday, August 6

Bumper Sticker Ideals for the Weekend are:

All I ask is a chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
A clean house is a sign of a misspent life.

Thursday, August 5

Too Much Smokin in the Hood?

I found THIS reason for a mid-mid life crisis over at AboutDamnTime's.... I am selling the kids! No mo minivan for me! Me & Bailey can cruise off into the sunset! Ok, maybe still room for my Princess too, but she was the money maker (j/k). Having sudden major sadness for the lack of A-plan ness by no longer working for Ford. Hmmmm. Wonder what the friends & family discount will get me!

Well by the time anyone reads this it will be
Froggie's Big Day! Roll on! (Eek, maybe I needed the definition first!) Happiest of Birthday's my slimey green friend! Oh! I almost forgot! I found a new pet for her & the kitties....A PacMan frog! Right up your retro eighties frogger & pacman in a bar (not a blender) I saw him in the Petco ad and saw one for real at the Pet Store! Oh my, totally Froggie!

Apparently all my darties needed was a very biased cheerleader! Way to go! WooHoo! Yippee! Way to almost kick some ass! Damn thievin beers yet very nice men in the HOOD (fort, not lake man!)

It was indeed a good time, I don't think they'll want us for their team in the fall though, shucks.

Sorry for all the linkies tonight, but so much on the net of enjoyment! I just had to share!

Puppy comes home on Sunday! Camp starts again on Monday! And school starts up again in 2 weeks! Yaaaaaahoo!