~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Friday, July 30

Much to do

Once again, I have slacked around the house and the ToDo list has grown. Everything was neat & clean for such a brief time.

Now while still waiting to hear when Puppy can come home, I must plot "back to school". My YoungOne has informed me ...he is NOT going back. HA. I have news for him.

I am seriously considering
Milk2You, as to never go to the store again. I hate the grocery store. So with that & Schwans.....ok, hmm still the diaper dilema. Thus I guess I must fit the store into the day as well.

Not a very exciting post, that's what happens when you try to do several things at once. One being a map of the day.

Happy Hangovers to you all, Have a great weekend!

Monday, July 26

Are they the handsomest boys or what! Posted by Hello

My True Love!! Posted by Hello

The day we met! Our girl is 6 weeks old here! Gotta love HELLO! Posted by Hello

And a week later our new Grrr-ly takes 2 hands! Posted by Hello

Funny Thing

You know the annoying banners at the top of our blogs? Well I clicked on this one..... and low & behold it popped out the answer to life's great mystery! No not really, it analyzed me based on some 5 second life dreams and came up with the following conclusion:

MrsGivings, your heart's desire is Design and the Arts

You have a number of attributes that make you an excellent candidate for a design or artistic-related career.

You understand how important it is to follow your heart, express your feelings, and do what you love, so it's likely you're already in a design-related field or have created a way to make your non-design-related job more artistic and expressive.

If you're currently stuck in a job that does not allow you to throw your heart into your work, it's likely you're an unhappy soul and are not living your life's purpose. Until you get yourself back on track, the life you dream of may never arrive.

What exactly does this 'dream job' look like? The answer lies in the combination of visions that you have for each of your 5-second lives. If you can find a way to creatively combine the various attributes of each of your dream lifetimes into one career in this lifetime, you'll be well on your way to fulfilling your heart's desire.

Umm. Yeah, so basically it's telling me to leave my family for 30 months and head off to get that
Associate of Applied Science Degree in Baking and Pastry. Dear Great Wisdom One, after my evening, please don't tempt me. If only I could figure out how to do this without the travel time away from my kiddo's. Yes I know our mild mannered community college has a culinary department, it is not what I am looking for. I do not want to learn to carve ice & cheese sculptures. But I guess it could be a starting point. Hell I have about 7 years to kill before running off to be a "grown up". Or I could go back and finish class #4 @ our local hobby store....those damn wedding cakes......If only I had the patience and quiet time for practice these days!

Meanwhile my heart's work is to make sure my Princess's shoes coordinate with her hairbows , my YoungOne doesn't return to his nudest ways and that my OldestOne doesn't turn into a juvenile delinquent if I dye the top of his head blonde as this is his current life's wish.

I have decided, it's only hair and if it sucks, he is almost due for a cut before back to school anyway! Yet one more step in not becoming my mother!

Can my puppy come home yet!? Sorry no linky cause I can't get the textamerica to let me upload a picture. Am I a moron? Oh but wait, I see blogger may be able to assist me with all these new functions! Why doesn't anyone tell me these things.....We shall see!

Saturday, July 24


I have been a little blogged out lately. Not caring to post. So, by popular demand, I shall update.

Let's see....I am getting a PUPPY! Woohoo! She is an English Bulldog and cuter than anything with four legs can be. The kiddo's are all excited too, so we've been trying to get everything ready for her arrival home. She was born on June 11th so we are hanging out waiting for her to be weaned etc.....

My YoungOne turned 4. In his honor our great town threw him a HUGE fireworks show and baked him a giant cake. The mayor & Miss Nebraska personally told him "Happy Birthday"...Ok, not really on the cake & fireworks, but when your 4, the whole world does revolve around you and the mere fact that you & your town are having the same birthday, well that is a bonus. It was a fun weekend.

This weekend, not much going on. Puppyproofing is more complicated than babyproofing. Babies don't come with teeth immediately. Laundry is piling up and it's cool & rainy (thank GOD that heat is gone for awhile!) and a nap sounds delightful! SO, for now, I have updated, see nothing too much going on worth noting, well other than puppyness.....GRRRRRRRRRRRR

Friday, July 9


20 Questions to a Better Personality

Wackiness: 64/100
Rationality: 50/100
Constructiveness: 86/100
Leadership: 40/100

You are a WECF--Wacky Emotional Constructive Follower. This makes you a candle burning at both ends. You work until you drop, and you play until you can stand to work again. You have so much enthusiasm that you can find it hard to control on your own, and you appreciate the guidance that channels your energy and lets you be your best.

In a relationship, you require lots of attention and support. You often over-contribute and end up feeling depleted and cheated. You may benefit from more time alone than you grant yourself.

Your driving force is the emotional support of others--especially affection. You can run on empty for miles if you have positive energy behind you. Without it--as it occasionally must run dry--you are depressive, listless, and difficult to motivate.

You need a lot of affection. Get it any way you can, but never at the cost of your self-respect or well-being.

Don'tya just hate it when quizzes nail it.

Monday, July 5

Blah....I am running away.

Ever had one of those days? Well when they pile up it sucks. It's not really that it was a "bad" day, just blah. Fighting with OlderOne, trying to peel off the Princess...Even vodka & lemonade didn't make it better. It got all icky and watered down before I had a chance to stop and drink it.

Thank God there is baseball practice tomorrow night. A mini vacation cause I ain't goin.

I did try to self medicate with a little Target shopping. I need to go back, seems it only lasts while one is in the store. Damn.

Saturday & Sunday were fun, gotta love loud obnoxious fireworks to drowned out loud & obnoxious kids! Just kidding, the kiddo's were just about perfect until today.

But for now the house is asleep and I need to get something accomplished before the sleepies overcome me too.
