~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Friday, February 20

Happy Birthday Dear OlderOne.

You make me feel old, but I love you.

Thursday, February 19

In my defense...

My computer has been all sorts of jacked.

Have you ever had a dream that was so real it was scarey. Tomorrow is my OlderOnes 10th birthday. Last night I had a dream about "the donor". In my dreams he always shows up like it's no big deal all these years have past. In my dreams, oddly enough, I go along with this. What the hell? I always have a tummy ache after these dreams. Ghosts belong in closets, loser Dads belong in .... anywhere but my sleep. It is precious and scarce, not needing any tarnishment.

Why when I have a gazillion things to be done, do I get zip, nada, nothin done? I have cake to bake, clothes to wash, house to pick up~and then there is that thing called sleep. My kiddies are drippy (minus BirthdayBoy), so rest has been fitful to say the least. Sister in Law happened to be here last night and grabbed the babe in the middle of the night before I heard her, do I thank her for letting me having a dream I didn't enjoy. I didn't know she had done this til earlier this evening, so I guess I shall Thank her.

Or keep it to myself, cause she invited her "boyfriend/exhubby" to our birthday dinner and I am still annoyed about this. Have you ever uninvited someone to something? Well I did, which now drags the birthday out (not a problem with a birthday weekend) but now I have a separate set of people coming on Sunday in which there will need to be MORE cake and MORE ice cream. SCREAM. And let's not get me started on Hubby's parents, whom I am sure will show up on Saturday, when Birthday Boy will be off celebrating with his favorite cousin and little brother at ChuckECheese. Of course, it will be MY fault that they drove ALL THE WAY into town for nothing (ie:gee we'll have to sit at the bar all afternoon and get plowed). Bitter, nah. Hateful, nah...Disgusted, yuppers.

Drinking is fine. Driving is fine. Drinking & driving, not fine. Drinking & driving when you live an hour away, f'n retarded. Hmm, last time they were in town, they rolled there car (claim of black ice~conviently on the ramp jump down from the bar?) but yet instead of calling a tow truck or something sane, they got out and just walked away and called "the boyfriend/exhubby" to come pull the car out. Hello, he lives the same hour away as them. Yeah, sober my ass.

How did I end up here. Of track. Hello, Betty Crocker, please come bake for me and on your way, can you stop & pick up Mr. Clean, I need his help!

Saturday, February 7


Textamerica let me upload some pictures today! Yippee! Check out the family! Some are at Christmas, it's been awhile since it let me in!

Thursday, February 5

Your Wands have Failed.

Ok, let's click our ruby reds and go somewhere WARM & SNOWLESS then.

Wednesday, February 4

I just can't take anymore.

No Mo Sno. I can't. I will become seasonal snowy depressed. Ok, not depressed. Snowed in, I get seriously bitchy! I am ok now, cause, I wasn't "snowed" in, I am just van less.

So please everyone wave your Pretty Princess Wands
for it to skip on over us!

Monday, February 2


Let me in. I need some IM's.

Snowed in at home again, no van which is okay, cause there is too much damn snow anyway.

The moron kid's next door's car is completely buried. Get a clue jr. You annoy me. It's in front of my house. Thus when (if?) the plows come, the pain in the ass mountain of snow will grow larger. Jerks. Yeah, I know, I blogged this already. It's new snow, listen again.

Princess is yelling, apparently I can't type & feed her chicken broth at the same time. Odd. Yes, she is enjoying this. She ate the carrorts. It started as soup. Really, it did.

Well, I think my aunt & uncle have gotten off to Puerta Viarta (sp?). Wish it was me. Sunny Mexico or Snomaha? No choice.