~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Wednesday, December 31

!Feliz Ano Nuevo et tu!

I must be sappy and say, this has been one of the best years of my life. I know everyone may not agree, but I think I have mentioned other than not winning the damn Powerball yet (tonight's the night!) I could ask for nothing more. I have a great family (immediate), a loving & devoted Hubby, 3 beautiful (energetic) children and good friends.

Tommorow is my 5 year anniversary. I had to laugh when it snowed in Vegas yesterday, it was like a testimate! Ha! They've made it 5 years so lets freeze out SinCity! For those of you confused, Hubby & I married in Vegas on New Years Day '99. If one ever gets the chance to woop it up there for New Year's Eve, I highly recommend it! Where else can you legally carry a milk jug o' beer (refillable on any given corner from a keg or 2) from place to place, see grown men hugging their 18 packs while treking up & down the strip! Vegas rocks man! Ok, I digressed for a minute!

Tonight is dinner with my oldest and newest friends. Hubby can fall in there too, I have know him since I was 14, So Froggy only has a couple years on him. My boys I believe are off to keep my cousin company when we return, so I guess it's Hubby and I introducing the Princess to Dick Clark!

May everyone's 2004 be filled with love, health & prosperity!

Mush, Mush, Mush....

Wednesday, December 24

Ho! Ho! HO! Wouldn't you know

My house is a mess and it's almost hopeless! Until the children are out of my way! I shall gate myself into the kitchen and finish my cleaning! One leaves at noon (the borrowed one) and YoungOne is going on the speaker fixing errand with Hubby. Thus leaves my Happy Princess & the OlderOne, not a bad combination as long as I am home & the tv works!

Presents wrapped, Check. Twice baked Potatoes prepared, Check.
Alcohol purchased, Mine at least, CHECK! Merriest Of Christmas to you all!

Thursday, December 18


I took this personality test....and it said:

(Submissive Introvert Concrete Feeler )

Like just 10% of the population you are a HELPER WHO FINDS MISSING CHILDREN OVER THE INTERNET (SICF-submissive introvert concrete feeler.)

You are very tentative in the world and introverted with people--which means you are the shy and silent type. Hence the Internet. But behind your reserved exterior lies a dedicated person with a passion for the concrete truth who wants to, in his heart of hearts, help find missing children. God bless you.

Tuesday, December 16

Do you hear what I hear?

If you're lucky on the norm, the answer is no! If we are talking right this very second, I am listening to A Charlie Brown Christmas and enjoying a long awaited few moments of peace & tranquility. Hark! A second to think! Wow. Savor...Savor...Savor.....

I think I figured out why I seldom have visitors. Something along the lines of my son Captain Underpants (aka YoungOne) and his faithful sidekick Heidi Holdme (aka the Princess). My home can be a frightening form of birthcontrol! Speaking of, I am all for the over~the~counter morning after pill! Cause you know it's gunna be costly, but think of all you're saving, sanity excluded, cause let me tell you it's PRICELESS!

No, I love my kiddies. They are just loud and when "company" is here, instead of being meak & shy, they are rambunctious and demanding!

Just thought I'd shock the hell outta ya and post twice in a day. Now I am off to change out some laundry and shower. I smell like a cookie, which I guess is a good thing.

Post Zappers

Where is my post from yesterday? I can view on the "view blog", but it's mia. So I thought maybe if I posted a new one, it would magically appear. I sent the supa tray to Boxland with Hubby today. I am a rave hit unbeknowst to their Velveeta fudge eating selves. Ick. Yet, I sent none of my fabo peanut butter cookies and my Hubby & sister in law are torturing the poor souls with their tales of the peanuty goodness. Lucky for them Schwanny liked them and I could use some more for my Mommy, so I will make more. With icing even!

Well, lets see if this worked.

Monday, December 15

Oh Christmas Tree oh Christmas Tree

How naked is your trunkage. I haven't had a chance to wrap many gifts. Granted the majority of them are for my children. Spoiled you say? Well of course, why else do you have children? Have to bide time til they are old enough to grab a beer outta the fridge for ya. Just kidding, I do use mine to get me the occasional glass of water (all 2 inches of water they put in it!)

The cookie exchange was fabo! Well til the Pouty Princess decided she was ready for nighty night! The ladies were still drinking when I called to thank them again for the cookies! Why isn't Christmas in June, when it's warm & I could have gone back out after puting the babe to bed? Have I mentioned it's snowing AGAIN! yet, again I shall mention my joy of not being out the East Coast for their 2nd Noreaster. That much snow has just got to suck.

Well, I am still baking cookies. I need to send a platter of goodies to work with Hubby in the am, cause my Mom gave me some things she made that lets just say I want out of my refridgerator. BLAH! I have so many goodies from our little swap, my tins will be rockin. Here's a dilema, I still have ingrediants to make other goodies, do I keep going? I do intend to make the Frog's Italian cookies for her and tomorrow night I am making my Christmas Decoration Cupcakes for YoungOnes Christmas party. So, yup still bakin. Very hard to bake and type and chase ankle biters ya know!
And I have been contemplating my Christmas eve feast for the ingrates, I mean inlaws. I love them, I was just trying hopelessly to be funny. Really, I mean that. Stop calling me a liar!

What's a girl to do! Oh and I have Charlie Brown Christmas Music to burn! I almost forgot! Yippee! That I am indeed excited about having!

Charlie Brown, Cookies, Christmas gifts to wrap! Oh it is a Wonderful Life! This has been one of the best years of my life, honestly, with the exception of still not winning the lottery, I could ask for nothing better. Love, Family, Friends, Health & Happiness.

Ok, done with the smushie moment! Time to find these latest cookies a temporary home til they get trayed!

Tuesday, December 9

The Nightmare before Christmas

The snow is looming is the distance of the day. I so hate snow, but on the bright side I am not visiting dear ol' Boston this week! 4 Friggin feet man! I would hole up in my house & cry. But heres what kills me, in towns like that (NYC etc..) they get hammered with a TON of snow and poof the next day they have it all moved out of the way (into the Hudson River?) and life resumes beautifully. Here we get 3 stinking inches, it stays in everyone's way forever, giant brown piles of disgusting dirty snow 8 feet high that doesn't melt til like June. Except for Nebraska Furniture Mart, they NEVER have snowie eyesores in there lots. Does anyone know where they put it? Can they clue the rest of the morons in on it? It would brighten my spirits if I didn't have to see ugly dirty snow. Yuck.

Anyway...YoungOne said the cutest thing. Yeah, a little off to the Halloweenie spirit, but oh well, we were sitting down to watch Pirates of the Carribean and he says "are there scareytons in this movie? Meaning skeletons, but cracked us up none the less. So from now on folks, they are not skeletons, they are scareytons (unless it is an MCAT question, then answer correctly! :) So I am a silly mom, it humored me.

Today is my Mom's birthday in case you wanted to know. My 19 year old cousin is having surgery today to remove an ovarian cyst and to rule out endometriosis. I know these are "common" things, but as a mommy, I worry when it happens to someone so young. So today, I sit and worry I guess. Yes, I know they aren't a horrible scarey operation, but still she is the little sister I never knew I wanted.

PS. It is snowing now.

Thursday, December 4

I am a ding~a~ling?

christmas bell
You are the Christmas Bell.

What Christmas Ornament are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, December 3

C is for ....

Cookie! Christmas! Cocktails! Compadres! I am excited my Cookie Exchange is in full swing! I feel the Holiday spirit! WooHoo! In a pleasant compromise it will occur a few days after the stimulating (haha!) toy party!

We stamped & made some holiday gift bags last night. A little taxing on the brain cells but cool. Looking forward to quality stamping Saturday afternoon as well.

Why is baby food so expensive? I spent a small fortune today cause I had coupons and most of it was on sale. Why is there no where I can buy it buy the case here? The "bulk" store in Mass. sells veggies buy the case. NO FAIR.

Is it Lobsta tail night yet? Need to get Hubby's suit out, he is worried I think that a) I don't know where it is or b) that it won't fit.

JcPenney or UPS mutilated my Princess's dollhouse bookcase. Now I have this 77 pound box sitting around waiting for us to lug it or for the UPS man to come back for it. The c/s lady didn't sound to hopeful on the latter. So, I guess I will take Hubby to the mall (eek, during Christmas season) this weekend. Hello People, ordered online so I didn't have to GO TO THE MALL. Though, there is something I need to get there. Princess needs a Hillie mitten. We have this hanging decoration with everyones name on a mitten, well she is mittenless.

Enough babble, time to put away the groceries.