Did I buy that or not?
Did I mention I have been hiding in the BASEMENT, wrapping presents. The floor is COLD. My ass is frozen. Yes there is heat, but not on the floor!
My Hubby is crabby, not sure why. My kids are all bratty and I just want to cry.
Ha ha, stuck a "poem" in on ya!
This is all true though.
I started so early. I though I was SO organized about it. Is that WHY this is happening 2 days before Christmas.
I am not looking forward to InLaw Eve. I hope Hubby wakes up not in his mood. I can't decide if it was cause the kiddo's were awful, the fact we argued about what "age" one stops giving gifts to kids. He recalls none after 16. I pointed out that I still get gifts....and give them. To my cousins. My neices & nephews. I have phased out the birthday gifting on the later cause it was hard to be "fair". So...I pointed out that the gifts we recieve (cause MY family does gift him also and usually quite generously) are from people we SEE often and who are "giving" people. My mom (to whom most of our kids gifts can indirectly be thanked for due to free rent this month). My dad who gifts us the joy of dining out at whatever new place I have mentioned and Hubby's beloved Charlies... I don't ask for these things. I enjoy them. I am sorry his family has always been crap (recall the story of his bday's as a child---gift OR going out to dinner) I am sorry HIS family has a drinking, smoking, gambling away their retirement and not having a pot to piss in problem. MY family PLANS for things. I STARTED SHOPPING FOR MY SPOILEDS IN JUNE for Christ sake. Because I know how tight money is. I want to keep them ungreatful (no not really) spoiled heathens. Well ok, I wish they were quiet, resonabley greatful delights, but you get my point.
Anyway, that conversation combined with having to drive clear out to pick up OlderOne from my cousins and the fact that the movie Hubby has been longing to see, she forgot at her nanny gig apparently set him on a rant.
It happens every Christmas. Hell, for that matter, every "Holiday". Something happens to put him into pissy mode long enough to make me sad, cry or pissy myself and then the day is ruined. I spent one Easter crying about how ungreatful they all are in the bathroom. I have also mentioned to him how "holidays" spent at home are NO different for me than any other day. I get to clean, I get to cook, hence I look forward to things at OTHER people's homes. Well this year due to lack of marital bliss at the Aunt/Uncles...I am on my own. Christmas Day can't come soon enough. Come on NEW YEAR!
Guess that wasn't the inspiring spirit needed to hunt for the "missing?" present.
Won't Hubby be disgruntled with me when he finds 3 presents for him under that tree! He hates when I buy for him (cause he doesn't for me, on the notion that we buy what we want all year long) but I buy things he mentions and forgets about and that he'd never actually buy for himself. So. I like it. Get over it. I shall reform him and his holiday grumps if it kills me.
Merry Christmas and a Smashing NEW year!