~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Monday, January 31

I was in Avoca too!

Yeah, so it was in Iowa, not Nebraska where the girls actually were, Playing with their ducks. And it was only Taco Johns on the way back in from Des Moines.

More later, when I am awake.

Friday, January 21

How to waste a Friday (not to?)

Wait patiently for 11:30 to arrive to take YoungOne to school. Hurry off to ...Spend 1 1/2 hours in the land of Wally. Price scamming. Unload available funds from 3 different shopping cards (the last of which I wasted 20 minutes trying to get fixed cause it didn't work yesterday but was told it would work at the registers, fyi dumb bitches at Sams Club, it didn't...) Waste 10 minutes in line while getting the dumb card to finally give up the $40. Shiver for 8 minutes while putting all the shit in the van. Drive home, 6 minutes of my life spent listening to "Grapes!" at the top of The Princess's lungs. I am good, but I can't dig out produce from a bag in the back of the vehicle while driving. The insurance company says so. Spend 15 minutes lugging said purchases into the house. Blow 10 minutes recapping the day so you can say you updated your blog. Hurridly put groceries away so Children don't know you went to the Land of Hell without them, 15 minutes (if I get off here.) Load Sleeping Princess back into van (oh, yeah, Grape whining=sleep) and go to get YoungOne.

After all this, realize you are going to Sam's now for a rotisserie chickie cause Hubby has a hair appt, though you are the one desperately in need of one and have no desire to cook dinner even though you spent the whole afternoon grocery shopping.

Things forgotten at the store: bagel bites, fish sticks, raisins and my sanity.

Ok, Almost had to kill blogger, it ate & spit back up my post. Still forgot raisins, skipped the bagel bites and all out of sanity.

Tuesday, January 11

Ouch, my hair hurts

Hurts to look at. Hurts to be. Hurts to comb. Hurts when I let it out of it's out of date hair clippie. Hurts cause it's so F'N gray. Hurts from static shock.

On with the boredom! Would it be easier for one to want to watch my KIDS or my DOG? I thought I had my Des Moines thing all planned. THEN I changed it thinking that it'd just be easier to drop the kids off in Grizweird and then pick them up on the way back the next day....UM, hey dumbass, you have a DOG. That is why you wanted someone to watch your kids in THEIR home (not to mention it has all the stuff to make them happy enough.) So...The Dog. Oh, and I blew another secretly planned day off for Hubby. He had planned to take that Friday off so we could drive up there in the daylight. UM? Hello, kids=school, someone willing to watch them=has a day job. and did I mention, THE DOG. SO. Must devise new plan. Thinking SIL can just come over after work and hang out. Will have super cousin come for the Saturday shift. Unless she chooses option Z, just dogsitting and the kids suffer, I mean have a delightful (stinky, smokey=lots of laundry/bathing to destink them) time with the InLaws....

What's a crazy woman to do. Trying to sneak off for some quiet, see a friend....soak in a jacuzzi tub, if I can manage to do that right....

Wednesday, January 5

Breakin' the Rules

Ok! So apparently today was "de-lurking" day. I confess, I am a lurker. I never hardly comment cept on occasion to those I know & love in reality. But it being a new year, I left a comment on one of my favorite spots to lurk WouldaShoulda She SO cracks me up. AND is why I know that Target Therapy is a national cure for boredom. Not just the people I know. People I don't know do it, and not even transplanted people that I know.

There is another blog I like to lurk, he/she is in the same town as my friend in Mass (IE:Boston, but not really, just typing Leominster if you aren't there or been there...is pointless) I like to read it, and then f' with my friend. Cause it's like I am brilliant and just KNOW what's going on with the weather, traffic accidents etc....

I so suck. I am bored. Duh. I ventured to bake again. I was fearful after the killer cookie epidemic. But my kitchen was freezing cold and nothin warms it up better than running the oven for 5 hours. (3 spent convincing myself no one will be harmed) AND now I just made cinnamon rolls for Hubby. Don't be too impressed, it was Pillsbury and HE brought them home from the store (which I sent him to cause I am on day 5 of not leaving the Arctic home) Hell for that matter, I have been in pj's since returning home from Fonduefest on SATURDAY! Yes, I have showered, only to put CLEAN jams on. Someone remind me of this perk of staying at home next time I am threatening to duct tape the kids K?

YET ANOTHER DAY without school tomorrow. I KNOW we NEVER had this much time off! EVER.

I have hit a standstill in home cleaning. Very hard to clean AROUND these little droppers and leavers. Laundry is SO severely slacking, that I am hoping my online ordered onsale jammies come soon! ok, so not that bad. But getting there. Damn Christmas crap downstairs reminding me IT needs put away as well as the laundry.

Ever had a friend who's life always sucks? I do. I can blog about cause she doesn't have a puter and doesn't know about this blog. I have known her, going on about 7/8 years. Her life has sucked the whole time. Granted, brief interludes of unsuckiness here or there, but the vast majority has been crap. Her family sucks. As an expert in this field, I can judge. They are never there for her, but get pissed off when she can't do something for them. I must admit, I too have not been the greatest of friends here lately too, but I think it's because I felt like she ONLY called me when she NEEDED something. Money (like I have much to spare) A ride.... etc. Well she called me tonight to tell me more drama and I must say I listened only half-heartedly. I don't wish for anything bad to anyone, every year I tell her that THIS will be a better year. BUT is it possible for someone to just have bad luck all the time? Even back in the day when OlderOne & I were on our own still, I don't think my life was ever TOTALLY awful. Maybe cause I had him with me? A light in my tunnel of darkness and despair. I am not sure. I don't even know what to do or say...

And then there's the Des Moines saga, I hate surfing the net for obits. But I don't want to call and "intrude" so, I am waiting to here. Maybe I will go find an "in time of need" card or something. Maybe just a "prayers & wishes" type plant or something.

Damn another dreadful & sad ending to a post, but my toes are numb from this kitchen floor (yes, I had socks on, but letting the Muppy out, the melted snow got them!)

Tomorrow! Tomorrow! The sun is supposed to be out TOMORROW! and maybe then, I'll get dressed.

Monday, January 3

Who the hell asked for this WEATHER?

Christmas Vacation must end! Snow days are not allowed to drag it on!

Though it did provide me with overhauling the living room. No more hole of crap the kids toss behind the couch when I tell them to pick up. No more bookcase of doom in the hallway to knock crap off of. No more stacks of magazines, bills etc set on top of anything tall enough to keep the kids from screwing with it. One room and a hallway including the closet of peace & tranquility.

SO, don't you go lookin in my potty or my kitchen. The Princess is obsessively and most compulsively removing her "pull-ups" where ever she desires and runnin butt naked through the house. Thankfully they are CLEAN when she does this. She is breakin me, if I don't get the wrinkles smoothed back out & tucked back in the bag in time, she "thinks" she MUST have a new one every 5 seconds. Drivin me nutso.

Anyway. One room down. Completely, ok, so there is some dust on picture frames, but other than that, DONE. Well, ok, carpets could stand a shampoo'n, but not in my control at the moment. I am feeling pretty good about it. Yeah, I am bloggin about a clean room. Not just the normal half-ass picked up presentable. I even hung the curtains back up that the monsters ripped down back around Turkey day.

And now I sit in my kitchen of crap. Clean Christmas dishes still waiting to be put away. (If I could decide where, that would at least be done). Typing and pondering where the hell to start in here. I thought I'd do it tonight now that everyone is asleep since they think fairies do everything around here anyway. But I am really tired. And cold. I so despise the gloom of winter.

I got bad news from Boston again, this time my friend's brother (33) is in the hospital suffering from pressure on his brain. They say he has no more "neurological response" left. He is the funniest little person (ok, the only "little" person I know.) He has super spirit and doesn't deserve to go so soon. He loved to go to & participate in the Goodwill Games and chase pretty girls. He loved his nephew and hopefully soon to be niece he will never get to meet. Anyway, they are flying "home" to Des Moines to be with him and say goodbye and such. I feel so awful for them it breaks my heart to know that such a wonderful, SANE, close knit family has to go thru something so heart wrenching. I wish I could be there. Someone obviously missed the request for a Happy New Year for those I love and care about. Please no more misery for quite some time. We have all had, seen and know of enough to last.

Sorry for the gloom, it's just weighing pretty heavy on my mind tonight.

Sunday, January 2

I am gunna eat you now K? Posted by Hello

Spotty & his buddy Scratchy Posted by Hello

Hard to believe something so CUTE is so ONRY! Posted by Hello

CHEEZE!! Posted by Hello

Totempole of Terror! Posted by Hello

One last shot by the tree! Posted by Hello

Time for change

I think I need to ditch the pink. How bout new PINK? I need a new look. Here and at home.

I also came upon the knowledge (enlightenment?) that having New Year's Day as a wedding anniversary has many blessings. Yes, we can never claim to have "forgotten" it. But I also decided it is like starting each year of our marriage with a clean slate so to speak. Bad things or arguements (though far & few between knock on wood) are left in the past year. Yeah, wipe up with the Kleenex and move on. I am not sure where this thought came from or even why. Another Kleenex moment? Hubby says to me, "you know, in the last 2 weeks (cause he has had MEGA time off) I think I love you more than ever." Ahhhhhhhhh. Isn't that sweet. I just looked at him like really? In the time at home I have you running all over town with me and at least 3 or 4 kids last minute shopping, cleaning, screaming, yelling and occasionally crying.

Enough sap. On with the drama. YoungOne has this strange spot on his chest. Looks like eczema to me. Hubby says ringworm. Ever the drama king. ANYWAY...it's the size of a nickel and scaley. I put some lotion on it and refuse to dive into the deductable on day 2 of the year. Later in the evening, after all have gone to bed, I am deChristmasing the home and OlderOne comes downstairs COVERED in HIVES. OMFG. He (they) had been gone the last few days to Griswierd, so I ask, did you eat anything weird, touch anything strange...blah, blah, blah. I go and get the hive pills (yes OlderOne has a script for hive pills, he is subject to chronic hives for NO figureoutable reason since he was only a few months old, made for delightful baby pictures, eyes swollen shut from hives etc...) WHY MUST MY LIFE BE AN EPIDEMIC? So, fingers crossed, the hives will be gone in the am. He has only taken the hive pills maybe 2 other times in the past few years. It was like I FINALLY convinced someone that he has this "problem" get a script and POOF they go away. I am SO not complaining. But WHY are they back? Cause it is day #2 of the new deductable year, just like YoungOne. OH! But wait I did FINALLY get his deadbeat donor's insurance card. That being OlderOne, not YoungOne.

I have given myself til February 1st to get my house/life in order. I gave Hubby power of trashbag after that. Permission to throw whatever is not in its "place" into the garbage.

AND one final note: Dear WeatherFairy, I enjoyed the 60's. Please remove your snizzle, freezing rain and pending snow from my happy bubble life.

OK, a second final note...THE MELTING POT totally rocks, especially in the quiet, kidfree "romantic" zone. It is my new favorite place. So Hubby has Chucks by the pond & I have fondue til the pants & zits pop! HA. When I die, dip me in chocolate and bury me with cheesecake, oreo covered marshmallows and fruit!