~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Thursday, September 30

Since yesterday went so well

The same rules apply for today. Yeah so nothing got cleaned, but we enjoyed our Target therapy. I got my new flagpole and the Princess got some comfy new sweats. I am kicking myself for forgetting Kleenex though.

Today is a few more errands of the boring bill paying kind. Blah. Those suck. But perhaps I can find something more inspiring to blog about.! Ha.

Wednesday, September 29

Crying & whining

I have decided that in order to accomplish something...anything...today is cry & whine and ignore day. If your nose is wiped, diap is clean & belly is full then you are on your own. I must get something done. No lap sitting. No cuddling. No being chased around the house. Do not follow me. Do not hang on my leg. Do not ask for anything. And most of all DO NOT make more messes while I am cleaning the last ones up.

Too bad my kids are too young to read.

TO myself. No blogging. No couch sitting. Must find motivation & ambition.

Or Target Therapy. Need new flagpole and Kleenex.

Ok. Dr. Pepper and then I am really going to do something.


Friday, September 24


I think I shall change the name of this to BLAHG. Cause that's what it's been as of late! Blah.

Wednesday, September 22

Too much

Ok, I forgot to knock on wood.

Puppy has a bladder infection. Puppy pees alot anyway. This just adds to my chaos. And lack of funds.

Today said bladder infection has changed appearance shall we say, which I was just told is normal. Oh joy.

Poor Pup.

Though she is trying to chew thru the deck outside. Damn puppy teeth.

This has been such a long week and it's only Wednesday. I think I have had a headache since Saturday. It's one of the ones where nothing you take helps.

Well lots of towels to be washed again today.

Friday, September 17

All's Well that End's Well

Puppy was sick. Puppy is better. Puppy stressed me out. I tend to fear the worst lately. But all is better.

No 4 day weekend. I shall survive.

I need a shower. Desperately. Yes, so get off the damn computer crazy lady.

My kitchen is a mess again, so yes, I did make dinner last night. Impressed? Don't be. I must clean it again.

I so didn't want to get outta bed this morning. Perhaps cause I was up late waiting for Puppy to "cure" herself.

She is eating a Polly Pocket from McD's. Great. While laying ontop of Elmo. Have I mentioned she LOVES to lay under the Princess's crib. Oh yeah, that room, not clean yet.

No, this is stuff under the kitchen table.

Must go figure out a way to get Target Therapy covered under mental health policy for insurance. It's a nationwide practice I have discovered! Granted, then I'd try to get the debt incrued covered too......

Wednesday, September 15

Another fine day in the Bender house......Bitch go make me a chicken pot pie~!

I hate that Blogger tracks my titles, thus compelling me to think of new unused ones.

Not feeling particularly inspired but must hang onto my 3 readers somehow. Kinda hard when one has no life and they already know it!

Today (ok tonight) I was unglued, unhinged and totally off my rocker. I refused to make dinner cause nobody (aka: the kids) appreciates my efforts anyway and I was/am sick of Hubby analizing whether it's "whole and unprocessed" or not.
I am sick of whole grain pasta, they taste like cardboard. Blah! Ick! So I went on strike. I played Spider Solitaire and Hubby attempted dinner. It was chicken alfredo, not brain surgery. I still had to instruct on where things are, what pan to use....and let's not forget, I STILL get the joy of cleaning it all up.

SO here I sit, trying to get that clean sink urge. Which would require emptying the dish washer from last nights accomplishment. Despite what others claim, a clean kitchen does not promote the desire to cook. Well, unless you are wealthy and/or have a maid.

It's official (really, this time) no more wasting money. Yeah, I know what your thinking, until I get bored, lonely, depressed or basically the day ends in "Y".
We "waste" alot of funds. I won't even go into the darts, dart things and beer. AND well really other than my beloved puppy (who was an overexpendature, not a waste) and her many needed supplies, I haven't spent money on anything fun. Fixing the Mominit, while necessary, SUCKED ASS. Curse you Border Patrol for your slacking ways. Yes, still bitter. Hopefully the heat/humidity can stay down so I can stop giving such large payments to the utility companies. It was bill day, can you tell?

Hubby has selective memory. He doesn't understand how we go thru "SO MUCH" money. It's not so much, it's a family of 5 & a dog. God help me if I ever had a real house payment. Perhaps a real p/t job is in order on my part. In what part-time of my day? Now until dawn? Why who would take the puppy out? Who'd let the cleaning fairies in?

Sorry, feeling rather "Becky" (thanks Kasey) will do much better attempt to put my "Jolly Molly" persona back in line. Hey! I do get an "extra" couple of me & the Princess hours on Monday! Woohoo, almost a 4 day weekend, cept I have my own kids. :)Too bad Mini Princess Toothy isn't usually the wrinkle in my day, it's my own!

Thursday, September 9

Bummer Man

Nothing Sucks like getting your Netflix in the mail and it's broken. :( This was kiddie movie weekend (ok, I am guilty, I picked) Beauty & the Beast, The Aristocats & The Fox & The Hound. Beauty & the Beast was full on cracked. Thankfully (I know from past experience a month or so ago) they will get a new one out right away.

I LOVE Netflix, which brings me to my odd ball question of the night....How many Flix are in YOUR Queue? Ours 84, but in my boring life defense there are alot (30) of them in the "not yet released section" so I don't forget I wanted to see them. I have quite a few "old time" things. Movies that Hubby & I remember from kiddiehood that we want to watch with the kids. Benji, Love Bug.....you know?

I also love our Nero Smart software but that's a whole nother story not to be blogged about.

Well school is back full strength now. Thank God. Looking forward to some alone time some day, but shall settle for a couple hours with Ma Pettite Princess tomorrow. Hmm, have I mentioned we have "the" new Disney Princess movies? Can one learn French from a Princess?

See not missing anything from me in blogland. The van is great. Life is busy. I need a vacation. Pup is getting huge!

Wednesday, September 1

M o M i n I T

Yahoo! The Mominit is home! Apparently though I promised YoungOne that I would take him to the "new" Wally Wierd when we got it back. Did I say the millisecond Dad got out of it we'd go? Um, NO. I have/had plans. Then again, I never seem to take top billing and me being a sucker for a shiney clean new store...we went, Princess of Hairbowbia and her royal jester Captain New Boxers. Where did my naked boy go? Who is this kid who wants new clothes, yes, only boxers, but still.

SO! Glad we went. The "newest" had hairbows! And of course being where we were, they were cheap. Like cheaper than I can/have been doing myself. Closing in on a different one everyday of the month, if only had the coordinating clothing to pull that off.

It seems as though Darling Hubby has taken the next few days off, so it's a 5 day in a row with the pending holiday. Guess this is cause he was feeling "bad" about the dart gig taking up the weekend. Hence, we are going to the zoo tomorrow (or today if anyone reads this anymore) I hope he knows this needs to be accomplished EARLY in the day to avoid heat & crankiness. Followed by the last baseball fireworks show in the evening. That's alot of time in the same part of town. Must take interstate to avoid 24th & L morons. :) Hope he doesn't expect me to cook lunch while he's off. Maybe the kiddos will share their pb & j's or chicken bites. I am sure he won't be impressed.