~MrsGivings~ The many faces of MY insanity!

"The secret to life, is knowing that beauty and wisdom can be found in the simplest of moments."

Sunday, March 28

A Quick Post

Fast, short & well, maybe not so short. This shall be a terribley busy week cause as we all know I am a procrastinator. Lots o taggin to be done. Piles to be created. Blah. Who's dumbass idea was this anyway? Oh yeah, the neighbors. Though she did mention signs being created/purchased. Let's hope. I still have flyers to post. WHEN?

I hate funerals. Monday shall be a first. I have never been to one where the honored guest has chosen to be cremated. I have lots of my own family who have this desire, I once heard a joke, It's their last chance for a smoke. Bad I know. Anywho, It's also the first Jehoviah's Witness "funeral" I have ever been to. I assume it shall be like any other, but perhaps a quick google search is in order to be sure. Taking my newly reCatholic'd brother & sister in law & my not religous in the slightest hubby. No rain please, lightning could strike.

So! Let's hope I get through this week and then the only thing looming in my future is a to be announced Pamp Chef party I am apparently hosting and a graduation. Fwwww. I enjoy my nothing to do life.

Friday, March 26


Despite my leaning towards not, I used my small batter bowl (see your local Pamp Chef lady for that one) to actually bake a cake in. I winged it and with great triumph am the owner (yes, I know it's after midnight) of a darling little cake about 3 inches tall. In honor of Shannon and her South Sister, it resembles a small flat top volcano. Yes, I know I could have just made a cupcake, but sometimes size does matter. Afterall, you only turn 1 once. Yippee! Now the rest of the cake mix is baking a plain ol' cake. I am tired, but have never refrigerated cake batter so thought I should stay up and bake the rest.

P.S. My girl stayed home. Thankfully she is missing out on pink cake baking 101.

Much to do, Must make a list and go to bed. Finish damn cake, I am sleepy.

On Retreat

I am on retreat, today I shall not fret about the yard sale or anything else for that matter. Today I am going to unload the dishwasher, do some laundry and take my kiddo's to the playland at the mall. See, I am deranged, the mall playland as a retreat. Perhaps some outside playtime after that. It's the mall cause my cousin nanny's and the baby is on some kind of breathing treatments, thus outside at a park probably not the place she should be, that and theres not "real" dirt for my Princess to eat at the mall.

I want to buy her a frilly girly dress for her birthday. I will not do so. It is however very very tempting as all the pretty Easter dresses do abound. I will have some control. After all she'd where it twice and then I'd have more almost unused clothing laying about.

Tonight all my kiddos are supposed to go to Griswierd. Princess can't go. I just can't bear the thought of her going away. She hasn't been sleeping the greatest and her teeth have been making her cranky this week.
Not that I need a reason. SIL will be upset. SIL will just have to get over it. I haven't been away from her yet and I am not ready to do so!
Yeah, I realize I may need professional help. Ok, well maybe I will let her. Damn multiple personality disorder.

Well, dishes are calling, cake needs baking too and most importantly Cheerios need flinging!

Thursday, March 25


Birthday Parties, Yard Sales and funerals should not all occur within the same time frame. The Yard Sale I have lost excitement over. I need to make signs to put out in the neighborhood, you know the ones, giant dayglow pink with black writing that will bleed when the dew sits on it in the wee hours of the night cause I ain't getting up at 5 am to go put them out & about (assuming I get 'em made) Rightfully, my fat ass neighbor should be making them to help his wife get ready while she is working. I made flyers for the grocery store bullentin boards etc....

Funerals suck. I am not versed in many and I like it this way. One of my best friends fathers died this morning. I have written about him before, he was in alot of pain so this was for the best, if that is really possible. Anyway, I called my brother and am making him go too, since I have infriended them as well. Sitter arranged for my offspring, as they would not/do not need to be there. I have nothing to wear.

I need to go on that show "what not to wear". I am a frumpy dumpy stay at home mom who wiggles & jiggles and has little ambition inside her.

On a happier note, I painted the Princess's toe nails. I need to go get some pink polish though, cause it's in a MOM color, dark. It did look quite cute with her new little sandals yesterday though! So mission to undertake other than housework. Polish shopping. Oh, and plastic utensil purchasing.

Much to do, much to do. Oh yeah, washed the van, it rained today. See it happens to everyone!

Monday, March 22

Sunday, March 14

Hubby Come BACK!

Hubby should be landing in South Carolina any minute. I miss him already. Smushy huh? Na, Captain Undies loves his daddy. AND well....That's how it goes. He won't be home til Friday. Eek. Whatever shall I do.

I am not into the blogging lately, as I am sure you can tell by my lack of posting. My Ebaying failed. My garage saleing seems to be slacking in motivation. And I have not made it to the pottery joint to make my girl a plate and now that I am second parentless I don't think it will be done in time for her party. If I am lucky I can whip one up in time for the actual day. We shall see. Is there a perscription for motivation? Can I buy one? I am in desperate need.

The SIL will be here tonight for I get to hang out with yet another teen tomorrow in addition to my teen mute (who has community service tomorrow & tuesday) woohoo, lets hope she gets all her things to do to get back to school early done otherwise this drags into April, and I will not be a happy camper. Where did anyone get the notion I like children? I love mine, simply because I created them, not because they are children, but they are my onry whiney little people in desperate need of bathing. Hmm, did I mention it was at least nice outside today, YUP, Capt. Undies played outside fully clothed. Well until he dropped his play keys in the crack between the stairs and the house never to be seen again, unless SUPERdad can get them out. I couldn't take the screaming outside any longer and made them come in. Dumb. Maybe. but the noise stopped. Not as fun I guess with out the neighborhood for an audience.

Well, lets see, can I get thru the week without really cooking?

Sunday, March 7

So much to do still.

The Princess's party invites are done with great help and thanks from the frogand Charlie's Mommie. The blog goddess did her part too, all the way from dear ol' Bend, she removed my red-eye for me since I don't have my photoshop back on the computer yet (from previous computing disaster). I have put on Snapfish though since and it works pretty good too.

Another quality week of teen sitting awaits. Literally, she sits. I sit. We all sit. Ok, the kiddies run around like lunatics and I hide in on the net.

Birthday shopping complete, just waiting for all my packages in the mail, FedEx and UPS. Ok, can you say, OVERDONE! Well, that's me. Can't just do a little, must be above & beyond the realm of sane. We've got doll clothes coming, charms for the bracelet and a small steamer trunk to place the aforementioned doll clothes in till the Spoiled Princess o' Pink is big enough to play with them. Hmm, I feel I am missing something on that list. Maybe not, the clothes from Lands' End already got here the other day.

Also waiting on scrapbook won on eBay to start for her betrothed in Boston. Speaking of ..I have my first Items available on eBay. Gotta hate getting rid of stuff with tags still on it for Petey's sake. But we'll see, no bids yet. Bummer.

I am swearing off tortilla chips inside the house. I seem to have issues with them causing damage in my throat when consumed not in a restaurant (wow, spelled it write!)
Ha, did ya catch that, write instead of right? Ok, deliriousness is afoot. Time for bed!

Thursday, March 4

Ok Ok Ok

I am updating. Gloomy weather is not condusive for motivation ya know. Rain however is better than snow.

I am teenager sitting. Somehow, I am punishment? I think I should be affended! Really, I guess I am just supervision in lue of the pleasure that would come from one staying at home by ones self while suspended from school. Gotta love my teen mute. She says nothing all day while sitting in the recliner doing homework and gazing a some picture of some boy in her "trapper keeper?" ok, age showing, don't know what they are called these days. And she hates some girl name Mallory and the boy in the picture, well his name may be Tim W. These are things she has scrawled on her belongings.

In addition to this, my Princess is still under the weather, well in this case, right along with it, miserable and yucky. She is just not her bubbly self. Not eating. Icky other things...fyi, crib sheet changing in the middle of the night, not a fun thing. Have I mentioned she doesn't want to eat? Very odd in this house!

So, there, I have filled ya in on the current events. Nothing missed. Trying to get Ebay photos taken, trying to round up garage sale crap and planning for my Girlie's first birthday!